Chapter 37

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*This chapter contains descriptions of violence*

Daniel's POV

I am inside Wilson's McLaren.

When I couldn't get hold of Melody, I cracked my brain thinking did she has other appointment which I was unaware. But no, we are supposed to go back home together and have a dinner. She has no other meetings too. I had checked with Jared. He was also puzzled on where Melody had gone to.

Lastly, she couldn't have shut down her phone. Jared had specifically instructed her not to switch it off. Melody is very committed to her work and she is attentive to details, she wouldn't have done that.

Jared and I had searched every department and we just couldn't find her. She will not just leave without telling anyone. Her laptop is still on her desk.

Just when I was at wits end, I remember downloading a tracking app on her personal phone. Melody will always carry her personal phone with her. She always has it in silent mode. I saw her putting her personal phone in the inside pocket of her blazer jacket this morning.

Immediately, I opened the app on my phone. I had linked her phone to mine previously.

The app shows her current position, it was about an hour drive from the office. It was at the other end of the town. "Why is she there?" I speak and shows Jared my phone screen. Jared was beside me and has been calling our colleagues if anyone saw Melody.

I need to find her as soon as possible. We still have a dinner tonight.

After sharing the location with Jared, I sped off using Wilson's sport-car. This morning, Melody drove us to the office and the company car is as slow as a tortoise. I cannot use this car to find Melody. I have a feeling that she needs me now and it has to be fast.

This place was a deserted place. I knew it because I had come here for filming before. There are many old buildings that were used as factories many years ago. The government had been planning to sell this piece of land off. During night time, there will be junkies around. Melody has no reason to be here at this time. It was not safe.

Looking at my phone again, I stopped the car and went out. It was already dark and not a single soul is out here. Using the flashlight of my phone, I navigate myself into a building. Upon entering the main gate, I heard some noises coming from the inside.

Somebody is crying and screaming. The sound is getting clearer as I walked further inside.

"Anybody there?" No one answered back.

I spotted a plank of wood and I took it. Gripping it with my hands, I approached the source of sound.

What I saw afterwards had my blood boiled.

I saw Melody been pinned down by a man. Her hands and legs were been tied up. There's blood covering her head and body. Her blazer jacket was off her shoulders. The blouse she is wearing was torn with her bra being exposed. That man is trying to open the buttons of her jeans.

She is struggling to get herself free.

Quickly, I dashed forward. Using the plank of wood that I had on hand, I hit the man hard on his head. The wooden plank split into half due to the impact. He falls to the side, holding his head between his hands. He was whining in pain.

Using this chance, I went to Melody. She is still struggling and crying hard. I covered her up with her blazer jacket. Holding her shoulders, I forced her to look at me.

"It's me, Melody. It's me; look at me." She couldn't hear anything I am saying to her. She keeps repeating 'Let go of me' and is struggling to get herself away from my hold. It was heartbreaking to see her like this.

I held her face in between my hands and look at her eyes. "It's me, Daniel. You are safe now. I am here." She stopped struggling and finally she looked back at me. "You are safe now. I am here." I repeated myself again.

"Save me." She whispered and big tears flowed down her face that was covered in blood.

My heart breaks at this moment. I have no words on how I am feeling right now.

Before I can react to anything, I saw Melody looked past my shoulders and she pushed me aside using her body. I fell to my side. When I looked back towards her, I saw that junkie had stabbed Melody with an army knife. She fell back onto the ground and blood gushing out from her chest. "No..." I shouted and charged towards the man; preventing him from attacking Melody again.

He starting running towards the main gate when he saw I am coming after him. Before he can get out of the building, I heard sounds of siren outside; two policemen ran towards my direction. "It's him." I shouted to the officers. They cornered the junkie and pinned him to the ground.

I ran back to Melody quickly. She is grunting and looks very much in pain. I quickly untied her and gathered her weak body in my arms. "Stay with me. Don't close your eyes." She is barely conscious and is closing her eyes.

No. I cannot let her leave me like this. I cannot allow our story to end like this.

I began to carry her limp body up and ran towards the main gate. Just then, I saw Jared running into the building. "Shit! Ambulance is outside. Quick." He commented after seeing Melody in my arms and together we ran outside, towards the ambulance. Paramedics jumped into action when they saw Melody's blooded body.

"I will settle here, you follow them." Jared pushed me towards the stretcher Melody is on and I nodded.

I sat inside the ambulance and see the paramedics attending to Melody. "Mdm. Can you hear me?" One of them tapped her shoulders. She is not reacting. Another quickly covered her face with an oxygen mask.

During the entire ride, I was scared, terrified and angry. Angry that I cannot do anything to ease her pain. There's nothing I can do now. I can only hold her hand in mine and pray to God not to take her away from me. Scared and terrified that Melody will leave me anytime. I do not want this to happen. I still need her by my side. We still have many more years to be with each other. Tears are running down my cheeks.

The ride to the nearest hospital is about twenty minutes, but it felt forever to me. By the time we reached the A&E, Melody was already unconscious. One of the nurses quickly perform CPR on her and she was being pushed into an operating theatre. The doctor stopped me from entering.

I sat on the floor and covered my head with my hands.

I keep praying.

Praying that this won't be the last time I see my Melody.

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