Chapter 41

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*This chaptercontains descriptions of rape, drugs & suicide*

Melody's POV

Finally, I had told Daniel how broken I am. How they had ruined my life.

Those days in the dark room was like hell to me. I remembered I was constantly bleeding and I didn't have any clothes on me. Once Billy pulls me out of the room, I thought they wanted to set me free. But I was wrong, they had a party and there was a dozen of men in the house. All of them were high on drugs and were drinking. They had tied my limbs to the bed post in the middle of one room and one by one, all the men raped me. They were all standing beside the bed watching how other people forced themselves on me and were all laughing at me. The whole ordeal lasted till the next day; Billy would then drag me back to the room.

Every time, I had questioned the heavens why I had to suffer all these. I felt unwanted, I felt dirty.

Why did I want to get close to Daniel after so many years? Because I want answers, I wanted closure. I want to ask him why did he leave me that night. I wanted to know what had happened.

"When the doctor told me I was pregnant. I couldn't comprehend what had happened because I do not have the memories. I was still in a shock. What worst was that I am in the trimester that I couldn't abort the baby. I wasn't allowed to.

Because of my memory lost, I couldn't tell the police who had assaulted me. I was a nobody; the authorities didn't probe further since I couldn't tell anything. They just closed the case.

Because of my body condition I was in at that time, the doctor had instructed me to be bedridden. I was lying on the hospital bed for weeks."

To be frank, I didn't want the baby. I was being raped. The father of the baby inside my womb had assaulted me. Now that I have my memories back, I do not even know who is the actual father.

I was been forced against my will at that time. I was a virgin before they had raped me. None of them were wearing any protection.

Why am I been punished for what they had done?

I couldn't look at myself in the mirror that time. I hated myself, I hated the baby and I hated whoever that had raped me. As I was lying on the hospital bed every day, my stomach is also growing bigger and bigger every day. I hated the fact that I wasn't able to do anything.

"I had contacted Jo. When she had arrived at the hospital, she told me she has been searching for me for months. I was in another state and that was why Jo couldn't find me, and because I had been in a coma for months. She was shocked to see me the first time after so many months. I was unrecognisable."

"What happened to the baby?" Daniel asked.

"One night, I was in unbearable pain and was bleeding. When the doctors came, they told me my water bag broke and I was in labour. The whole process took more than twenty-four hours." The whole birthing process was a torture for me. I had a difficult delivery; it was so painful. My whole body was aching. The baby was in an abnormal position and also because of my body condition at that time, I had a hard time pushing the baby out.

"I gave birth to a boy. When he was out, he was not breathing." I remembered I didn't hear the baby cry when the doctor told me he was out.

"He had died during the labour; they couldn't save him." I was so numb that I didn't know if I should be happy or sad hearing this piece of news.

"I had fainted after that. I was losing a lot of blood." I fainted after the doctor told me the baby was a stillborn. The doctors had to do blood transfusion on me to get me back.

"When I had woken up, the doctors told me I had serious complications during the delivery and I would have a very low chance of conceiving in the future." When Daniel had suspected that I was pregnant a few months back, I had wanted to tell him the truth. But I couldn't find the heart to tell him after seeing how disappointed he is.

For the past few months that we are sleeping together, he didn't wear any protection and I wasn't on pills. I know that I wouldn't get pregnant again.

Telling a seventeen years old girl that she couldn't get pregnant again was a big blow. I wasn't able to feel anything after the whole ordeal, I felt unwanted; even the baby doesn't want me. Nobody wants me.

Why didn't I die in the forest?

Daniel's POV

Absorbing all these information was hard.

I felt sorry for Melody; she doesn't deserve all these.

I felt angry. Angry that I wasn't able to save her back then. I had seen Billy and her walked away and I had blamed her all these years for not waiting for me.

I was the one who had ordered that drink for her. I was the one who handed her to the monsters.

"It took me months to recover at the hospital. Jo took me back to her parents' house after I was discharged. I couldn't face the world, I locked myself in the room. I couldn't find any closure and Jo actually went back to the bar to look for you."

That night was the last day I was at the bar. I was sad, disappointed and angry. I just quit and never look back at that place anymore. I went back home and travelled to another state to complete my studies.

"When Jo told me she couldn't find you. That was the last straw for me. Nobody wanted me; my parents, my grandmother, the baby. Even you." She turns to look at me. Her tears were flowing freely on her cheeks.

I couldn't take it; I went and kneel down in front of her. I gather her in my arms.

"You are always on my mind." I speak in her hair. It was the truth. She was always on my mind after all these years. I have never forgotten about her. When she reappears in my house, I couldn't believe my eyes.

At first, I was angry and so, I treated her badly. I asked her to run unnecessary errands, left her alone and went back home myself. I wanted some revenge because she had left me at the bar back then. I wanted her to taste what it was like when she had left me with Billy years ago.

But soon, I realised I couldn't tear myself away from her. It was like a magnet; I was attracted to her. I realised that I wanted her just like years ago. The feeling towards her didn't change. I didn't want to lose her again. I wanted to take my chance.

"One night when everyone was sleeping, I went to the kitchen. I found many pills in one of the cabinets. I took all that I could find and went to the bathroom." I looked back at her.

"I swallowed every single one of them and locked myself inside." She looked down at her fidgeting fingers again.

"Jo's mum found me and I was already unconscious. They took me to the hospital immediately and the doctors were able to bring me back to life."

Shit. I didn't expect her to have committed such an act.

"I was in depression and Jo's parents took care of me the entire time. I was very grateful to them. They were like the parents that I never had. They brought me to therapy sessions and did many nice things to me. They wanted to make me feel better.

It took me whole two years to become normal again. They even encouraged me to further my studies which I did. I wanted to do something to distract myself; anything that could take my mind elsewhere."

"Why didn't you come find me earlier?" Melody could have found me earlier. I was already a public figure many years ago.

"I wanted to focus on my studies and to be frank, it wasn't an easy task to approach you. I didn't have the chance until I saw the job posting months back. Somehow, I still didn't get my closure and I wanted answers from you. So, I took my chance and I was lucky I was hired."

She has been finding me all these years while I have been doing nothing. 

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