Chapter 26

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Melody's POV

The red-carpet event was full of people. Photographers from every part of the world were trying their hardest to get the attention of the stars on the red-carpet. Flashes were all around. I was very amazed that Daniel could smile and focus on the cameras despite all the shouting and flashes. I think I would have blinked my eyes in every photo if they are taking my pictures. It would be awful. I cannot imagine it.

Local Italian stars and influencers were invited to this premiere too. Everyone looks great. Daniel is the star of the night. He looks devilish handsome in his tux. I am so proud of him.

The premiere went very well. After the movie ended, everyone in the theatre stood up and show their appreciation by clapping their hands. Daniel and the rest of the team stood up and bowed at them. We are getting very good reviews and hopefully the submission of the nominations for the upcoming awards would be successful. I am very hopeful about it.

The team is having a celebrating party after the premiere. As usual, the venue is packed with people. I felt like sardines; too squeezy. But it was my job to ensure Daniel is well taken care of at every event or places we are going to. It was hard for me, but I could endure it. Because it was for Daniel.

The place we are at now is a huge three-storey restaurant. It was located on a hill that overlooks the whole city of Florence. I had caught a glimpse of the breathtaking landscape when we had reached the location. But, due to the packed crowd, we had quickly entered the restaurant. I hope I'll have the chance to enjoy the spectacular view again.

Inside the restaurant, the event organizer had transformed the first level to become a dancing area with a bar-counter full of free-flow alcohol drinks at one side. Second floor is the place where we had our food and some VIPs rooms. Third floor would be the rooftop which only the VIPs has the access to.

I had Nicole and Josephine accompany me. Both of them loves partying. Especially if the location is full of male species. When I had asked them about their James Bond encounters, they had told me it was history and had long forgotten who James Bond was.

They are more interested in Italian men driving Vespa now. I had a laugh at that.

About two hours into the party, both ladies went MIA. I guess they had found their men driving Vespa. I was alone sitting in a corner when my phone beeped indicating an unopen message. I looked at it and saw Daniel's name.

'Where are you?'

'Ground floor sitting in a corner.' I replied smiling. He might have a high tolerance level in alcohol, but he has super low tolerance level in such crowded places. In his words, too noisy and his ears hurts.

'Come to the rooftop now.'

'Coming.' I replied immediately.

I squeezed through the partying people and went to the spiralling metal stairs located at the back. I took two stairs at a time, hoping to get to Daniel as fast as I could.

The rooftop is a place out of bound for us normal people. There's a sign in big caps stating 'VIPs ONLY' at the door. I will need to open this door in order to enter the rooftop area. I tried the handle and lucky for me, it wasn't locked.

"Daniel." I called out. The rooftop was an open-air area; it was big. Fairy lights adorned the whole place. It was a romantic setting. On the right side, there was a mini bar-top counter with bottles of expensive looking alcohols on it. There's a jacuzzi at the opposite side of the bar-top counter. The jacuzzi was big; enough to fit at least five people in it. There are sofas scattered all around the whole roof. One particular sofa caught my attention. First, it was a lover's seat sofa. Second, my favourite man is sitting on it.

Daniel stands and came forward upon seeing me. Before he holds my hand in his, he locked the door behind me. He then pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey, are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just missing my girlfriend." I smile at his admission.

"How's your meeting with the bosses?" Daniel has been drinking with the investors in the VIPs room.

"Boring. They kept talking about the investment and properties they own. I had to find some excuses to sneak out for a breather."

"What excuse did you used this time?" I am curious.

"I need to pee." We both giggled at his answer.

He released me and intertwined our hands together. He pulls me towards the edge of the rooftop.

I was in awe by the view before me. Finally seeing the majestic view of the city in front of me. The night has turned dark and all the city lights came out. It looks like million stars twinkling at me. The city was equally beautiful both day and night.

"This city is so beautiful." I speak softly. This is my first time in Italy. My only knowledge was all about the food; pizzas, pasta and gelato. I didn't know that the landscapes were so scenic. I wished I would have more time to explore other parts of Italy.

Daniel hugs me from behind. I felt safe in his embrace. His head resting on my shoulder.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asked after a moment.


"What was your nightmare about?"

I was caught in surprise. I didn't expect him to ask me this question. No one knows what I had dreamt of, not even Jo.

I hadn't told anyone before. 

Should I tell him?

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