Chapter 14

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Melody's POV

We are in a room that the hotel had set up for all the media interviews. Questions after questions were asked. Most of them were the same. Asking Daniel how was he doing, when is the release date of his new album. Daniel is very patience; answering all the questions with a smile.

"So, how was your love department then? Has any new person appeared?" The interviewer asked. She is from a local radio station. She was pretty.

"No one yet." He answered. "No intention of dating anyone at the moment. I am focusing on my career." I was sure I didn't hear him wrong.

"Oh. I heard that Sophie is telling everyone that she wants to date you." The interviewer continued her questions. Sophie is a British singer. Her songs are in trend now.

"I cannot help if there are people who's trying their ways to get to me. But I have no desire of getting to know anyone now." Daniel answer and directed his eyes on me. I was confused.

What about last night? Did our time spent in his room meant anything to him? I started to question myself. Did he really meant what he had said?

After ending all the interviews, we began to pack up and getting ourselves ready to leave London. Daniel specifically asks the driver to drive past Buckingham Palace. Saying he wants to take a look before leaving London.

I had mentioned to him once that I wanted to see the Palace. I wondered did he do this because of me? I wished the answer is yes.

During the uneventful plane ride back home, I had purposefully sat myself beside Jared. Daniel wants me to sit beside him. But I told him I have some work-related discussion with Jared. Of course, it was a lie. How can I work when I have this fear. I slept throughout the ride.

When we had touchdown, Jared informed that he will be sending Daniel back home and I can go back home straight. I need time to think and I was glad that I do not need to face Daniel after what he had mentioned in the interviews. I do not think I can handle more.

It was a Friday night; Jo is currently sitting on my sofa with me by her side. We were watching Netflix munching on chips. The naked female lead is sitting herself on the shirtless male lead. They were moaning.

I wished I could concentrate on this show, but I couldn't.

My mind is somewhere else.

"When are you going to tell him?" She speaks suddenly.

"I don't know." I answered with my eyes still looking at the television.

"What do you mean by you don't know." She turned to look at me for a second before returning her head back to the television when the male lead started to change their position.

"Not when I don't know how he feels about me." I answered truthfully. I had fed Jo all the information during my London work trip.

Now, she turned her whole body towards my direction. Apparently, the male lead didn't last long and was down from his high. Too bad for the female lead.

"He told the interviewer he has no intention of dating or getting to know anyone now." I continued and had turned to look at Jo too. "Why let him know when there isn't anything between us?"

"Don't you want your answers?" She questions back.

"I want." I looked down at my hands. "I have been thinking a lot lately." I have been thinking a lot after I had started my new job. Mostly is about a certain person.

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