Chapter 13

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Melody's POV

I woke up to the beeping sound of my phone. Last night, I had set my alarm clock forty-five minutes earlier than the time I was supposed to wake up. I need to go back to my room before anyone comes in and see us naked on the bed. They do not need such surprise early in the morning.

Before I went to bed, I had sent the social media team all the photos and videos they required. I still need to get my work done. Sex makes me tired and awake at the same time.

I quickly pressed stop on my phone screen. Hoping it doesn't wake Daniel up. He is still sleeping beside me. I turned to look at him. He looked so peaceful. My fingers cannot control themselves and hover over his eyebrows, the side of his face, his lips.

Suddenly, his hands encased my wrist. "Good morning, beautiful." He had this boyish smile on him again. Slowly he opened his eyes. His eyes have this twinkle on them.

"Good morning." I returned the smile.

"Never leave me again." He said it with seriousness and I was puzzled. That was sudden. Why did he say that?

I didn't know I have tears streaming down my face when he uses his thumb to wipe them away. I stared at him and nodded my head. "I promised." I smile ruefully.

He leaned forward and kiss me. This kiss felt like it's a promise from him too. Felt like he is saying he won't be leaving me too. I felt like he is conveying all his emotions to me in this kiss. Warm surging through me and I kiss him back with all I have.

Our kisses turned more passionate and there's urgency in there. Soon, he was on top of me and trailing his kisses all over my body. He stopped and stare at my lower body and with a seductive smile, he leans forward and suck hard. I moan out loud with his name on my lips. He began to finger me.

One finger.

Then two. I grasped.

He increased the speed.

His other hand moves up to mould my breast. He pinched my nipple when he feels it had hardened.

"Dan..." Before I can complete saying his name. I came apart. Shaking my whole body in the meantime. I was grabbing the bedsheets in my hands.

I was panting while still coming down from my high. And without warning, he ramps into me. I screamed his name.

"Fuck. So wet. So fucking good."

"You are so tight. So sexy." He continued ramping into me and moulding my breast in the meantime. I cannot imagine I am seeing stars in the morning.

I couldn't think straight. All I can do is moan his name. He is getting rougher with me and when his finger massage my clit. I was a lost case. "Come with me." I whimpered.

Before I can hear his answer, I came hard. He came together with me right after.

He lands himself on me, hugging me tightly. "Did I hurt you?" He speaks beside my ear.

I shake my head.

"Sorry, I couldn't stop myself when it's you." He continued.

I hold his head in between my hands and kiss him. "You will never hurt me." I smiled up to him.

He withdrawn himself and sat up. He reaches over and took the box of tissue on his nightstand. He cleans me up carefully. I was indeed sore after this intense love-making. "I'll need to leave before anyone sees us." I say while touching his face with my palm. I was contented that he is cleaning me up after the sex.

"After showering with me?" He asked playfully.

"I can't. Sorry." I wanted to, really. But I didn't expect to have morning sex with Daniel.

He frowns.

"We have to get ready for the day." I kiss him.

"I am not going anywhere. I promised." I continued and I meant it.

Daniel's POV

Melody went back to her room and I was alone in my bathroom getting ready for the day. I was so happy last night. Extremely happy. She's mine after so long. I couldn't wait to spend more time with her.

Looking at the bathtub and reminiscing our love-making in it last night, I'll never look at it the same way anymore. It was great, she was great. I wasn't wearing rubber after our first sex. I withdraw myself before spilling my sperms on her body when we were having sex in the bathtub. It was too sexy.

But this morning, I couldn't care anymore. Not when she made her promise to me. I want to spill my seeds inside her and claim her fully. I want her to have something of me in her. I want her to claim me too.

I have no intention of having sex with anyone other than her. Not now, and definitely not in the future.

I went out of the bathroom when I heard someone talking. It was my stylist and make-up artist. They came in early to get me ready for my interviews later. I was feeling great after getting my day off to a good start.

"You seem to be in a great mood." Jared came in shortly after and was sitting on one of the sofas. He told me about his drink's session with the director last night and I told him mine with the Koreans.

"Good morning." Melody speaks when she entered. She was in a happy mood too. She is so beautiful. She is mine.

"I had sent you an email in regards to our meeting with KR Entertainment this morning." She directed her attention to Jared. They had some work-related discussion while I am getting the final touches.

I can't wait for the work to be done and get back to my girl.

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