Chapter 35

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Daniel's POV

I had finally said it. I have finally claimed Melody as mine to the whole world.

I am so damn proud of myself.

After my speech, I went backstage to the media interview section. The reporters bombarded me with tons of questions. Questions about my relationship with Melody. Who is she? How did we meet? How long have we been together? I was full of smiles when I had answered all the questions. I couldn't hide my happiness.

Wilson had approached me after the interviews. He told me that Jared and Melody had left for the party venue that he will be hosting for me. Whether I win or not, the party will proceed as plan.

My backup plan was to announce my relationship with Melody at the party if I didn't win the award. Luckily, I was able to proceed on my initial plan. I was very fortunate and I thank God for answering to my prayers.

I know that every media outlet will be chasing after Melody from now on. I am confident that I will be able to protect her as long as she is with me. I will not let anything happen to her.

Most importantly, I will be able to bring her out without having to hide anymore. The media cannot link me up with other actress and tell any tales that were untrue.

I had told Wilson and Jared after they had witnessed my panic moment on dashing out of Wilson's office on that day when I thought Melody had met with an accident outside of our office building. I couldn't hide from Wilson. He knew me since I was a kid. I had told them that Melody had stopped me from telling people and had asked them to keep it from telling anyone.

When I told Melody that I would let the world know about us if I won, I had fed Wilson on this information too. He didn't comment much, but I know that he is supportive of my decision. He is like a big brother to me. He didn't need to say it out, and I would know what's on his mind. I know that he is happy for me too.

After the ceremony ended, Wilson drove us to the location of the party he is hosting for me. Everyone is already there waiting. They had cheered as I entered the area and bottles after bottles of champagne were popped. I am not too sure if they are truly happy that I had won or happy that there's free flow of alcohol in here. I wouldn't have known. Nevertheless, I don't care. As long as everyone is happy.

I am looking for Melody and she is nowhere to be found. When Jared approached me, he told me that Melody was at the second level. She was too overwhelmed by the amount of attention she is getting.

Immediately, I rushed to the VIP room that she was in.

She was looking at her phone when I spotted her at the corner of the room. "What are you looking at?" I asked while approaching her.

"Reading the news. About you. About me." She looked up and put her phone away.

"Please don't be mad at me. I wanted to tell everyone about you. I cannot let you hide in the dark and let people think that I have another girl as girlfriend. It will be too unfair for you." I speak the truth. Tiffany news wouldn't be the first and definitely won't be the last. This is the price I will have to pay for being a public figure. Whether I liked it or not, media will expose my every detail to everyone.

"I hope you would understand where I am coming from." What I can do is I will try my very best in keeping my personal life as private as possible.

She nodded her head in return.

That's all I needed now. I do not need anything else. All she has to do is to stay by my side. This will be my best reward.

A week has passed.

A week after I had disclosed our relationship to the world.

During this past week, I had tons of interviews to do. Different media outlets want to have an interview with the best actor award winner. At the ceremony, our director, Nolan has won the best director category too. The investors and producers were overjoyed and they had been in talks with Nolan's team and mine for the next movie. They are venturing the possibilities of the same team to work together again.

As for Melody, she is still my assistant. Wilson had proposed to have her change to another department which handles the artists social media accounts. Both of us had rejected his offer. I understand where Wilson is coming from. He knows that Melody doesn't like to be in the limelight from all the media outlets. I appreciated his understanding, but for me, I would be able to protect her from all the attention she is getting from if she is by my side. I might not be able to do it if she is out of my sight. For Melody, she likes what she is doing now and, in her perspective, she just wants to do her job well. She would like to see how it goes first. If things are really getting out of hand, then she might take up Wilson's offer.

Melody has been staying overnight at my house on most of the days, we still yet to have the chance to go out dating. Most of the time, we are just staying at home. I was busy. First, the interviews are taking up most of my time. Second, my new album is still in the making; we have a lot of discussions and decisions to make. I had promised Melody that once all these jobs on hand are done, I would bring her for a holiday.

Last night while lying on bed, Melody told me that she has something to tell me. We had agreed to talk over dinner. She would cook for us and I would take care of the dessert. I had planned on making the Tiramisu again. This time, with alcohol. The work I had today was a meeting with Jared and the album production team in the office and I would be free after that.

The meeting was long winded and I am missing my Melody already. We went to the office together in the morning and she went to her office to work while I was in the meeting room. After a few hours of discussions, we have finally decided the song list and which song would be the title song.

We had a break from all the discussions and looking at the time on my watch, the lunchtime will soon be over. I went down to Melody's office to find her. I wanted to check if she had her lunch already. She tends to skip her meals when she is busy. I will need to change this bad habit of hers.

As I had approached her workstation, I see that her seat was empty. Just then, Sydney walked by.

"Have you seen Melody?" I asked. I had heard from Melody that Sydney has been very happy for both of us. Melody says that she has been suspicious of us for a long time and has been suspecting.

"Oh, I saw her with Abigail at the lobby just now."

Abigail must be here to give me gifts again. She always does that. I had told her multiple times to stop with all the gifts, but she wouldn't listen. She says that she is doing on behalf of all the people in the fans club.

"Alright. See you later." I said to Sydney.

I went back to the meeting room and by the time I came out of the meeting, it was already late afternoon. I tried calling Melody to see if she is ready to go, but her phone is off. It was strange, her phone was never off. There's no message in my phone from her since lunchtime.

It was weird, she will always keep me updated on where she is.

I had a bad feeling.  

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