Chapter 31

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Melody's POV

It's a freaking mansion.

This was by far the biggest house I have come across. There's even a security guard at the gate whom he greeted Daniel politely.

After entering the huge iron gates, Daniel drove along a long driveway that was surrounded by beautiful trees. All the trees were tall and well-trimmed. It looks like Daniel's parents doesn't like people from the outside to see into their property.

Before alighting the car, Daniel gave me a passionate kiss that leave me wanting for more. "Stay with me, okay?" I speak after the kiss. Suddenly I am very nervous. I am afraid that Daniel's parents wouldn't accept me for who I am. Their son is a superstar, and I am a nobody. I am just his assistant.

What if they refused to acknowledge me as their son's girlfriend? Will they chase me out? Gosh... I don't even know where I am. I have been stressing out during the whole car ride. I didn't focus on where we are heading towards. I didn't realise we had reached his parents' house until Daniel signalled the security guard to open the gates.

I shouldn't have agreed in coming for this dinner.

Before I can dwell on this, Daniel had opened the passenger side door and holds my hand in his; pulling me out from the car.

"Don't worry. My parents are very friendly and welcoming. Relax." He smiles down at me.

I wanted to ask him if his earlier option in staying in my bedroom still valid when the double door of the house opened and a beautiful middle age woman step onto the foyer. "Daniel!" She screamed with excitement. She lunged forward and crashed Daniel in her arms. "I've missed you!" She continued.

"Hey, Mum. I've missed you too." He released himself from his mother's embrace.

"Come. This is Melody." He gestured her mum towards me.

"Good evening, Mrs. Maison. This is for you." I smiled my best smiles at Daniel's mum and presented her the bouquet of flowers I had brought.

"Oh. Thank you, sweetheart. That is so nice of you. Just call me Jen." She beams at me and turns to her son. "You didn't mention bringing your girlfriend tonight."

I didn't know Daniel had told his family about me.

"I wanted it to be a surprise." Daniel speaks and guides me into the house.

Upon entering the house, I had another shock of my life. The entrance was dominated by a huge chandelier. In the middle, there's a double staircase that leads towards the second level. Behind the huge double staircase, we entered the living area. Floor to ceiling windows on all three sides that overlooks a huge garden full of different kinds and colours of flowers. An elegant white colour piano was situated at one corner.

"You dad is in his study room. Go get him." Mrs. Maison instructed Daniel. I was very reluctant to let go of him.

After Daniel went away, Mrs. Maison guided me to the sitting area. The leather sofas look so exquisite. My sofa at home looks so insignificant compared to this.

"You name is Melody, right?" I nodded my head.

"Daniel has never once brought a girl back home. His dad and I are starting to worry." She looks me in the eyes and cover my hands in hers. "I am so happy to have you tonight." I felt the sincerity in her eyes. "That rascal just told me to prepare extra food. He should have told me you are coming. I should have asked the catering team to come here."

As what Daniel had said, both his parents are very welcoming. They are just simply happy that their son had finally brought a girl back home. Daniel's dad joined us in the living area soon after and we chatted while waiting for Daniel's siblings to arrive.

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