Chapter 39

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*This chapter contains descriptions of rape & violence*

Melody's POV

I am in this bright room again.

This time, I am lying down with someone holding my hand and I am feeling pain all over my body. I had difficulties moving my body. I turned my vision to the hand that was holding mine; Daniel is sound asleep. He has dark circles under his eyes, hair messy. He looks tired.

Someone came into the room after I had stared at Daniel for quite some time.

"Oh, you are awake!" This lady says with excitement. She is wearing a blue scrub and a surgical mask on her face.

"Where..." I tried to speak. My throat is dry and it hurts.

"You are in a hospital. I'll go fetch the doctor now."

As I watched her leave the room, the hand that is holding mine suddenly tighten. Daniel has woken up. He had stood up abruptly from the chair he is sitting and is looking down at me with teary eyes.

That was when I couldn't stop my tears from flowing down.

A few doctors came in and the nurse had ushered Daniel away from my bed. They used torchlight to shine at my eyes, check the bandages on my head. Asked me if I can move my limbs. Checked the wound on my chest. The nurse had adjusted the medication tube that had attached to my right hand. It makes me drowsy.

After all the detailed checks, they pulled the curtain away and speaks to Daniel. I couldn't hear much of their conversation and I am getting sleepy.

Soon, I fall in deep sleep again.

The next time I had woken up, the room was not as bright as earlier. Daniel is still beside me; he is typing something on his phone. "Dan..." I tried to get his attention and he was fast in getting to me.

"Hey." He smiles at me. "Do you want some water?" I nodded; my throat still hurts. He pours water into a glass and inserts a straw. He placed the tip of the straw in between my lips and I took a few slips.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked and placed the glass back on the table beside my bed.

I shake my head slowly. My whole body hurts, especially my chest area.

I remember that mad man had stabbed me with his army knife. I saw him charging towards Daniel and I had used whatever strength I had in me to push Daniel away. I cannot let him hurt Daniel.

"Do you want me to call the doctors in?" He asked worriedly and I shook my head again. The medication they are giving me is making me drowsy and I do not like it. I want to stay awake.

"How long..." I tried to speak.

"How long have you been sleeping?"

I nodded my head. I know I am in the hospital and I am curious how long have I been admitted.

"Today is the fifth night since the accident." He touched my cheek and I saw the tenderness in his eyes.

Daniel began to feed me with all the information. He starts by telling me how he couldn't find me after his meeting. My office phone was switched off. He and Jared had searched high and low for me.

Then he remembers he had downloaded the tracking app on my personal phone. Luckily Abigail hadn't discovered my second phone. Otherwise, Daniel wouldn't be able to find and rescued me. He uses the tracking app to detect my location and drove as fast as he could to the deserted factory.

Both my assailants were caught and his lawyers are handling the cases now. They are pressing charges against both.

I remembered Abigail getting mad and starts beating me up using the baseball bat that day. I couldn't defend myself in that state I was in. All I can do was scream at her to stop. It was no use. She went crazy and keep saying I took Daniel away from her. She stops after seeing my unmoving body and she left me there.

I must have fainted because the next moment I know was that a man was touching me. He pulls at my jacket and he rips my blouse. My body was exposed and I tried to struggle free. I screamed at him, asking him to go away. I remembered him being skinny and his face was very close to mine. He tried to kiss me but when I turned my head away, he slapped me hard on my face. The force was so hard that I had difficulties seeing afterwards.

I was feeling helpless. No one will save me, no one knows where I am. He touches my breasts and starts to unbutton my jeans. I was very scared and was crying.

I am glad and thankful that Daniel had found me. If he hadn't, I would be raped by that junkie and left to die over there.

Daniel told me my heart had stopped when I was in the operating theatre and luckily the doctors were able to save me back. The injuries on my body will recover soon, the bruises were caused by the baseball bat. Although I might need to use clutches and some physiotherapy. The main wound would be at my chest. Thank God the knife wasn't any longer. It would have touched my heart if the knife goes a little deeper. More time would be needed for this wound to be healed. Doctors' advice was to take it slow.

For the next few days in hospital, I was mostly in a drowsy condition. I tried to stay awake but sometimes the pain was too unbearable. Doctors would increase the medication dosage so that I could rest more.

Daniel is always by my side. He was so attentive to me. Whenever I need help like drinking water or adjusting my position, he would help me. He didn't go back home. The nurse had brought an extra bed into the room and he would sleep there. He would wake up whenever the nurses came in to take my blood pressure in the middle of the night. I know he is a deep sleeper; usually he doesn't wake up even there's a loud noise. I had asked him to go back home to rest, I will be fine in the hospital. But he wouldn't listen, he insisted on staying.

He would only leave the room when Jo is visiting me.

Jo had a great shock when Daniel had called her. She came rushing down to the hospital and had pushed her work on hand aside. Her parents had visited me after I have woken up. I had asked them not to worry and I will go visit them once I am been discharged from the hospital.

Daniel's family had visited me as well. They had suggested to change me to a private hospital, but I had rejected their offer. I told them I am getting better and would be able to discharge soon. There's not necessary for the trouble.

Few of my colleagues came too. I had thanked Jared; if not for his quick thinking, I think I wouldn't have made it to the hospital in time. Wilson had asked me to rest and not worry about the work. He will get another colleague to handle.

During my stay in the hospital, it brought back some memories that I had forgotten and some memories that I had wanted to share with Daniel before the accident. I remembered I have yet to speak to Daniel. My planned was disrupted because of Abigail.

I think it is time now.

Daniel had seen my worst. He had almost witnessed me getting raped and almost died. I think he wouldn't have mind me sharing some of my deep old wounds to him now. He can then decide if he still wants to stay with me.

One day, after the doctors had come in for their usual morning checks, I had asked Daniel to help me onto the wheelchair. It has been days since I had seen the blue skies. I didn't want to go out of my room because I was scared. I am scared of how people will look at me. I didn't want to show people how broken I am.

I am not strong enough.

Daniel pushes me to the balcony of the room.

The room I am staying is the VIP room and it was the biggest in this hospital. Daniel had requested the hospital to provide us privacy and thus they had given us the whole level. Our company lawyers had asked the staffs in this level to sign a non-disclosure letter. They cannot tell anyone about us.

"Remember I wanted to tell you something before the accident?" I asked. I looked at the sky. It was a nice cool morning. Birds were chirping.

"Yup." He sat beside me was looking at the sky too.

"This is not the first time I was hospitalised." He turns his head to look at me.

"That was seven years ago." I continued and looked back at the sky.

"I was... raped." I whispered. 

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