Chapter 27

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Melody's POV

Why do you call bad dreams as nightmare?

The word nightmare is derived from a mythological demon who torments others with frightening dreams.

This demon has been with me for years. Seven years to be exact. My dreams have been the same, but recently, it has changed. Daniel has appeared in my dreams.

In my dreams, I am constantly running. Running away from the demon. Running into a never-ending abyss. Usually, I would wake up from my dream when the demon had caught up with me. Recently, my dreams had something changed. Daniel appears in my dream. He would stand at the end of the tunnel stretching his arm out for me. But when I though he would save me from the demon, he would then vanish into thin air at arm-length.

"It's just a bad dream." I hope my answer would be sufficient for now and will be able to stop him from asking more.

He turned me around to face him. He raised his brows; silently asking me to elaborate more.

Do I tell him more? Will anything change if he knew?

"A demon is chasing after me."

He was silent for a moment.

"Do you know who this demon is?"

"Yes and No." I answered truthfully and looked away from him. This demon is faceless, I couldn't figure out the face of the demon. But I know who he was, he has been chasing after me for many years. He had hurt me. I was in a lot of pain because of him.

Right now, this is the best answer I can offered Daniel.

"Will you tell me more in the future?"

I nodded my head. I am grateful that he didn't pursue further on this topic.

One day, I will tell him all that he needs to know. That day would be the day I cut open my wounds and show him my broken heart. Hopefully he would be able to put some pieces back.

I really hope so. I had prayed so hard since he had asked me to be with him. I didn't want to give up on him. I didn't want to give up on what we have now.

I didn't want him to leave me.

By the time we went back down to the party, half of the people had already left. I was happy that no one notices us. Nicole had messaged me saying she and Josephine will be heading back themselves. Apparently, they had left before I went to the rooftop. Daniel and I decided to go back to the hotel.

Outside of the restaurant where the party held, was an old building. It was at a quiet alley and I like the ground we were walking on. Not the usual asphalt road, but we were stepping on stones. I can understand why Daniel likes this place so much. "Shall we take a walk back?" I asked. I wanted to enjoy Florence as much as I could and since it was past midnight, not many people were on the streets.

Without saying another word, we walked side by side back to the hotel.

The next few weeks were as hectic as the first. The movie is in full blast promotional period and interviews after interviews were done. Different media outlets were in the same town to have their stories covered. Daniel had covered a few photoshoots for some magazine covers as well.

So far, the tour has been going well and box offices results were very good. The nomination name list will be releasing in a few days' time. Although Daniel didn't say, but I know that he is very anxious about the nomination results. This is a prestigious award. Even if you didn't win it, just being nominated is good enough.

We are in our second leg of the tour – Dubai. This is an exotic country with many man-made infrastructures. Many high-rise buildings and expensive cars running on the streets. The weather here is very extreme. During the day, it was extremely hot and during the night, it was very cooling.

Right now, Daniel is having his photoshoot at the desert. It was an hour ride from the city and we had arrived at the photoshoot location via four-wheel drive. It was a very exhilarated ride; we were all screaming and laughing at the same time when the driver made a sharp turn. The driver was very friendly. It was fun. But it was very bumpy as well and I was nauseous after the ride.

Despite the scorching hot weather, the photos Daniel had taken turns out to be very nice. The desert landscapes were captured very beautifully by the photographer. Daniel shows his professionalism in his photoshoot and the director was very satisfied with the results. After the shoot, we even had the chance of taking sand dune sledding. It was so much fun; everyone had enjoyed this desert trip.

Since the starting of our trip, Daniel and I would stay overnight in either his room or mine. We will make it a point to go back to our own room before anyone notices. It has been going this way until now. Dubai is traditionally a conservation country and I had told Daniel that we would need to sleep in our own room for this whole second leg of the tour. He didn't like it, but I had insisted. He has no choice but to respect my decision.

I am having a headache after the desert trip. I guess the heat had caught up with me. The event organiser had prepared a dinner for the team and half-way through the dinner, I had to excuse myself to return to my room. My head is spinning and I needed a rest. I still have work to do the next day and I need to perform well. Daniel had wanted to accompany me, but I had stopped him. It would be suspicious for him to escort me back and knowing him, he would have stayed behind to take care of me.

I had asked Nicole to stand in for me in taking care of Daniel should he requires anything. I am still contactable via my phone.

At around 1am, my phone rings. It was a call from Jared.

"Hello Jared." I answered the call immediately.

"Are you with Daniel? Wilson has been calling him and has been to no avail."

"No. He should be in his room."

"Can you go find him and ask him to call Wilson as soon as possible?" Jared sounds urgent.

"Aright. Bye." I ended the call.

Quickly, I wear my spectacle and change into decent attire and proceeds to Daniel's suite. His room is a few floors higher than mine. I tried calling him but it was to no avail as well. Is he sleeping already? I kept dialling.

"Hello. Where are you? I am outside your room now." Finally, he answered my call. After a minute, the door opens and he stood topless in front of me.

"Are you sleeping? Wilson is looking for you urgently." I walked past him and proceeds to the living area.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a woman lying on the sofa sleeping.

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