Chapter 3

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Daniel's POV

"Who are you?"

I said after I had turned and saw a beautiful girl standing at my living area.

She looks so angelic and her face is so small. Her long wavy hair had me frozen on the spot. I had a weak spot for that. Her eyes are big and are staring at me. For a moment I thought she is about to cry.

She blinked and started walking towards me. "Emm... This is your score book." She speaks and proceed to pass me the book from her hand. Her voice sounded sad.

"I am Jared's new assistant. He has to attend some urgent matters." She continued and stood there looking at me.

Suddenly I realised that I was shirtless and had turned dumb for a moment.

"Wait here." I said and half-jogged to my gym to grab the t-shirt I had on earlier.

When I went out to the living room again, she was still standing at the same spot.

She let out a small laugh when she saw me emerged from my room. I was wearing a funky looking Donald duck t-shirt with a big Quack word on it. I love wearing this t-shirt. I had it for many years.

"Jared asked me to see if you need my help today." She says after I am near her.

She smelled nice.

"Ehm... Unpack my luggage; send all the clothes for cleaning and put back all the shoes and accessories." I replied while still looking at her. I have seen my fair share of beautiful women in this industry. Usually none of them had gotten my full attention before. Now, I was mesmerised by her beauty.

She nodded and looked around the house. "Hmm... May I know where is your luggage?" She asked.

I am still speechless, so I pointed to my bedroom located at the back of the corridor.

"Okay." She walked past me and headed towards the room.

"Wait." I grabbed her arm to stop her.

I must have shocked her with my action as she suddenly pulls her arm away from my touch and stands away from me.

"Sorry. I wanted to tell you that I will be staying in my music room for the rest of the day. Just do what you needed to do and you can leave after that." I said and point my finger to the room I was referring to.

She looks at me and nodded her head.

I had spent the rest of the day in my music room. Wilson had asked me to expedite on my songs writing process since last month. We had deadlines to meet. I had some inspiration during my vacation to the Maldives. That is why I needed my score book as soon as I had landed this morning. My dad had a business meeting suddenly which he cannot postpone. So, our family had to end the trip early.

I composed all my songs. Wilson had asked me to write songs for some of the artists from time to time. But I can only do it if I have the time. Which usually is I don't.

My schedules are very packed, I am a singer, composer and an actor. I had received numerous accolades over these years. I'd started out as a singer. My fans loved the songs I had composed. It had touched their heart deeply. Many film directors had approached Wilson after that and my first film was a big hit. I guess I am good at what I was doing.

My mind was elsewhere today. I tried to concentrate and focus on my song lyrics, but I couldn't. Not when she is outside my room.

I had heard some noise during her stay. Whoever does that will get a scolding from me as I like peace and quiet. But not today. I am afraid to step out of the room as I do not know how to react towards her. Will I scare her again like just now?

I was lost in my thoughts when I saw a piece of paper slid through under the door.


I had sent all your clothes for cleaning. Shoes and accessories are back in their place.

Not sure what do you like. So, I had ordered some pasta for your dinner. It's on the dining table.

Jared says you had a perfume ad shoot on Thursday. I'll pick you up at 9am.

Good night.


Melody...My Melody... 

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