Chapter 34

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Daniel's POV

Tonight, will be a big night for me.

One, I would be the youngest person in the history to win this award for best actor.

That is If I won.

Second, I would be able to tell the world that the person I loved is Melody.

That is if I won.

Ireally hope I have the chance to go up the stage.

After the night that I had declared my love for Melody, I was woken up by the constant ringing of both mine and Melody's phone. Wilson is calling me and Jared was calling Melody. Both of them were telling us the same story.

The story of Tiffany being my girlfriend.


During the evening of the party, the paparazzi had captured a few photos of Tiffany, Claire and Melody. They claimed that Melody being my assistant was instructed by me to fetch Tiffany back to the suite that I had booked and that Tiffany and I had spent a passionate night together.

What the fuck!

This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard in my entire life. We are just working together in a film and that's it. Nothing else. I couldn't believe that the media had put us together as a couple. They even claimed that we had used the premiere world tour as an excuse and we have been together as a couple for over a year.

On the very same day, both mine and Tiffany's management company had released a statement denying that we are in a relationship. Stating that we were merely a colleague working on the same film. I had asked Wilson to take on legal action on the company behind the paparazzi that had took the photos.

Because of this incident, I am even more determine that I should announce my relationship with Melody. And I will need to do it as soon as possible.

I seldom pray; but this time, I really hope my wishes can come true.

The awards ceremony was attended by many celebrities, directors and producers. Many crew members working at the back-end were attending as well. For a film, usually the attentions were all on the actors and directors. Seldom people will take notice of the crew members working behind the scenes. They are the unsung hero. They work tirelessly to make a movie successful. Without them, we are nothing. Therefore, my appreciations for them are very high.

Same goes for making an album.

For this kind of awards ceremony, it was the time for these crew members to shine. They deserved the awards presented to them. It will boost their morale when they are being seen.

We are three hours into the ceremony. Next up would be the awards presentation for best actor category. I am the brand ambassador of the three-piece suit I am wearing currently. I had come up with the speech that I am going to say if I won. The script was folded nicely inside the pocket of my suit jacket.

I hope I will have the chance to take it out.

When the host is holding the envelope containing the winner, I couldn't comprehend what he was saying. I am very nervous.

"The winner for the best actor award goes to... Daniel Maison."

Melody's POV

The crowd was cheering loudly.

I went numb when the host announced the winner for the best actor category. I couldn't feel anything other than the noises the audiences were making.

I am standing backstage and from the TV monitor, I saw Daniel walking confidently to the stage. He was on all smiles. The host presented Daniel with the trophy and he starts to adjust the microphone to speak.

"Thank you so much. Thank you, the awards organization, for giving me this award. This meant so much to me. Thank you, the judges, for voting for me. All the contenders were excellent. I hope I will have a chance to work with you guys in the future. I would like to thank my colleagues working with me in this film. Nolan, the director for trusting me." Daniel is saying his appreciation to all the people working in this movie. He continued by thanking the investors, the actors collaborating and the backstage crew members. He did mention Media Management team as well. Especially to Wilson and Jared for taking care of him over these years.

"I would like to thank my family as well. Mum and Dad, I hope I didn't make you guys regret for letting me choose my path in this industry. Thank you, Jacob and Henrietta, for the tremendous support you guys have given me. Lastly, I would like to thank someone. She has been in my life for a long time now. She has put her trust in me and has been supporting me fully."

I was holding my breath. Please don't say it. Please... Please... Please...

"Melody, I love you very much." He finally said it.

With that been said, he bowed to the audiences and walked to the backstage.

I am very happy for Daniel. I am, truly. He deserved this award more than anybody else. He has worked very hard on every job he had. I had seen it myself multiple times; the professionalism he had shown every time.

But I didn't want our relationship to be make known. This isn't what I had wanted.

My mouth was hanging open. I turned to see Jared who was standing beside me this whole time. I do not think I can face anybody now. I need to hide. And this has to be as fast as possible.

Jared was smiling at me. He doesn't seem to be surprise at the love declaration Daniel had just made. "Your expression tells me that you already know about this." I say to him and he just nodded his head.

So, Jared knows. If Jared knows, it means Wilson had this piece of information too. "Oh my." I covered my face with my hands. I cannot believe that both of them already knew about Daniel and me.

"For how long?" I asked.

"For quite some time." He smiles. "Let's get you out of here. Those media outlet might search for you since they know who you are now." Jared starts to guide me away from the crowd.

When I went out of the backstage, a group of photographs were already waiting for me. They knew who I was. I have been Daniel's assistant for quite some time now. They were asking questions about my relationship with Daniel. I was glad that Jared is with me. He ushered me to the company car and drove us off.

Away from this hectic place.

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