Chapter 30

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Daniel's POV

Finally, the tour had finished and we were back home. The movie has been getting very good reviews and worldwide results on the box offices were very good too. The investors were very happy.

After the nomination name lists were announced, our movie became the hot favourite in the upcoming awards ceremony. I had many congratulations message getting to me. Some close friends and even some acquaintance whom I have only met once had sent their regards to me too.

Despite our flight that had arrived late at night, we were met with warm welcome from the fans and media at the airport.

Major brands had approached Wilson or Jared about the sponsorship for my attire for the awards ceremony. I will need to go for some fittings and will need to decide which brand I should be wearing on that day. There will be a photoshoot for the awards organisation as well. I will be busy, but I am excited. I cannot wait for the ceremony to come and if I am lucky enough, I would be able to say out loud what I have been planning on my mind for a very long time.

It's a Saturday and I am alone in my house. Last night, Melody had her girl's night with her best friend – Jo. I cannot wait to have Melody all by myself tonight.

It has been two months since my mum has seen me and she has been spamming my phone with calls and messages asking me to go back for dinner. Since today is my off-day, I had informed my mum that I will be heading back tonight. Also, I had asked her to prepare food portion for one more person. I didn't tell her who it was and luckily, she didn't probe further.

I intend to use this gathering to introduce Melody to my family.

I loved my family. Although we are all busy with our work, we stayed close knitted. We are constantly in communication with one another and we would share whatever we come across in our family group chat. It could be a random sentence by someone or a funny photo we randomly snapped on the streets. I will always make time for them should they need me and vice versa.

They are very supportive of what I am doing, especially my mum. She is very proud of my achievements and is constantly showing my works to her group of friends. Being the youngest, I am free to pursue my dreams. And I really appreciate for this opportunity I am given with. My parents are semi-retired. They wanted to enjoy their life while they are still able to. So, they are always travelling around. They had worked hard when they were young. Giving me and my siblings the life that was comfortable.

Both my brother and sister are helping my parents. My brother, Jacob has been helping my parents since he had graduated from university and recently, he had started his own line of hotels. He was named one of the youngest CEO by Forbes magazine. My mum had framed that magazine in their living room and had showed to every person that had entered the house. She was a very proud mother.

My sister, Henrietta was a daddy's girl. Both Jacob and I won't be able to win anything if she gets my dad involved. She is a princess in the family. Even my mum wouldn't be able to win sometimes. She has started working for the family about three years ago. For a few years, she has been travelling around the world after graduation. She wanted to see the world before getting her career started. And I see why she had made that choice. Because she is a workaholic. She doesn't rest and even Jacob is scared of her sometimes.

They have their own achievements and I am very proud of them.

I haven't told anyone about Melody, except my brother. There's nothing we couldn't talk about. Since young, we have been sharing secrets that were unknown to my parents and Henrietta. Unlike Jared, Jacob can keep secrets. He is a very good listener. He would listen and give advices. He would volunteer to help if you need him to.

Melody doesn't like surprises and therefore I had told her that we will be going back to my parents' house tonight for dinner. Initially, she had rejected me. Saying she is busy and has many works to do since she isn't around for the past two months. So, I threatened her saying I would call up Jared to check. Then, she says she had forgotten about her dinner date with Jo's parents. I caught her red-handed too as she had her dinner last night at Jo's parents' house.

She ran out of ideas to reject me and eventually, she had agreed to join me at my family gathering.

By five in the afternoon, I was in Melody's house waiting for her in the living room. I had nothing to do and so, I had gone to her house after lunch. I had told her that it was just a small family gathering with my parents and siblings as attendees. But I can feel that she is stress. She has been mumbling to herself the whole day and has been in her bathroom for way too long.

I am watching the tennis game on her television and my favourite player is having a match point when she walks out of her bedroom. She is wearing a off-shoulder lace dress in baby blue colour. Her dress matches her skin tone very well. Her hair was down with big curls at the end.

She is beautiful.

"Ehm... This is alright?" She asked raising her brows.

I think I was caught starring at her when she smirked at me. But well, she is mine to look at.

"Why don't we just cancel the dinner and we will just go back to your bedroom?" I wink and walks towards her. She laughs heartily.

"I do not think your mum would be happy. Although this option is very tempting." She begins to take the remote off the coffee table and turned the television off.

"C'mon, let's go. I do not want to leave a bad impression." She continued and holds my hand in hers.

I drove my Audi today. So far, no media had gotten information about my new car and Melody is glad about it. She doesn't like my Ferrari. She says the engine is too loud and the seats are uncomfortable. Most of all, it was too recognisable on the road.

About an hour drive, we are at the gate of my parents' house. This house has been my family home for as long as I have remembered. My dad did acquire a few properties over the years; but mostly it was for investment. We do have some properties in a few countries and my favourite has to be the holiday home in Switzerland.

"You parents live here?" Her eyes were as big as saucers.

"Yup. My sister stays in this house too. My dad doesn't allow her to stay outside although she has an apartment under her name." My dad refuses to let my sister stays at her own apartment. In his words, he cannot bear to let his little princess be alone.

Suddenly I felt that she is stressing out. I caught hold of her hands on her lap and hope that this will give her some comfort.

"Relax Melody." 

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