Chapter 29

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Daniel's POV

Luckily the medicine and drips worked. Melody's temperature lowered, but she would still need to rest more. Today will be our last day in Dubai. I have some interviews to do and we will be free before the flight departs at night.

I had intended to ask Melody to rest in her room since it's just interviews. I can handle them myself.

Suddenly I felt Melody coming up to me and hugs me from behind. "You didn't sleep." She speaks.

"I need to take care of you." I turned around and touched her forehead. Still a little warm.

Because of my work, my sleeping schedules were all hay-wired. I do not sleep like normal people. I worked when people are sleeping and vice-versa. I can stay awake for full twenty-four hours.

"Thank you." She kissed my cheek. "I am fine." She smiles sweetly.

"You almost fainted. You had given me a scare." I am speaking the truth.

"Sorry. See, I am fine now." She did a little twirl. Okay, she is cute.

"Anyway, why is Wilson looking for you yesterday?"

"To deliver good news to me." I have almost forgotten about the good news. Almost.

"What is it?"

"My name is on the list." I smile. Till now, I still cannot believe it.

Her eyes went wide. "Serious?"

I nodded my head and she let out a small scream before jumping up to give me a bear hug. She seems happier than me. I hugged her back and breathe her in.

"Oh my gosh! This is great!" Her eyes start to water.

"Congratulations. Let's celebrate when we get back. I'll cook you a meal." She seems so excited and my heart felt so full just by looking at her. She is genuinely happy for me.

A thought came through my mind at this moment. "Let's make a deal, shall we?" I suggested.

"Yeah." She answered without thinking.

"If I won, I will make our status public." I smile down at her.

"Okay." Wait! What? She agrees? Her fever must be acting up. There's no way she could have agreed to my suggestion.

"Wait a minute. What did you just say?" She asked. Oh yes! She had said okay and there's no turning back now.

"I only say once and you had agreed. There's no turning back on your words." I smile triumphantly.

Now, I would need to pray hard that my name will be called on stage.

Melody's POV

Daniel plays cheat.

I was so excited and happy for him. I didn't hear clearly what he was saying. In my mind, I am thinking about how should I celebrate for him. Cooking a meal for him sounds practical but simple. He has done so much for me; he deserves more than a meal.

I was been ambushed as he had tricked me into agreeing with his plan. Oh no... What should I do now? I wanted him to win so badly, but in the meantime, I cannot let him announce our relationship status to the world.

I would become a piece of dead meat.

I blamed it on my fever. If it wasn't for my temperature acting up, I would have been alert and wouldn't have agreed with him so easily.

I am angry. Angry at myself for not focusing. I left him alone in his room and went back to mine. I would need to wash myself up and be more alert. I cannot be tricked by him again.

Daniel wanted me to stay in my room and rest until our flight tonight. But I had refused. My temperature had lowered and I am fine after a night of peaceful sleep.

The day went well and in between the interviews, Claire approached me. She says Tiffany wanted to apologise for her behaviour last night and see if we will be available for a dinner. I wanted to say yes, but considering the fact that Daniel didn't sleep last night and he will need ample rest before our next stop in Asia. So, I had kindly rejected her.

But I had invited her for our celebrating party for Daniel back at home. I had received a message from Wilson saying he will be planning a party for Daniel once our tour ends. Since Tiffany is the main lead actress in this movie, I don't see any problem asking her and Claire to join us. The more the merrier.

The remaining part of the tour went pretty well. The Asian fans were very welcoming and the results from the box offices were very good too. We didn't get to see Sakura in Japan. Because it wasn't in the season. I am sure we'll have a chance in the future.

One night in Japan, Daniel and I had sneaked out in disguise and both of us went for a walk. We passed by a twenty-four-hour shop selling all kinds of sex-toys. It has perked our interest and we had entered the shop with excitement.

The shop looks like an ordinary store on the outside, but when we had entered, it was shocking. The whole shop was huge with a total of six levels. Tons of items in the shops are available for purchase. The staffs working there are very knowledgeable on the products they are selling. They even had a chart of different sex positions on the walls.

It was a fun experience and we took some pictures as memories.

By the end of the night, we had purchased some toys and had tried them out back in the hotel.

Well, all I can say is that the money was very well spent.

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