Chapter 38

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Melody's POV

Am I dead?

I don't feel pain anymore.

I am alone and I felt peaceful at the place I am standing now. Everything is white.

I have been in this place for quite some time. I cannot find the way out, but that's not my priority. I had enjoyed my stay over here.

No one can harm me now, right?

Daniel's POV

It has been four days.

Four days since the accident. Melody hasn't wake up yet.

When the doctor came out of the operating theatre and briefed me of the procedures that they will be doing to her. I can only nod my head in return. 'Save her' was all I can say at that moment.

I had sat outside the operating theatre the whole time. Jared had joined me shortly. I had thanked him. Because of his quick-witted response, the police and paramedics can arrive in time to that place. When I had shared the location with him in the office, he sensed something is off. That location was out of bound to most people; Melody has no reason to be there.

The next time the doctor came out, he told me that Melody had suffered a cardiac arrest during the operation due to the injury to her chest. Her breathing had stopped for a while, but luckily the doctors were able to save her back. The wound that was caused by the knife was deep; it was very close to her heart. Melody had suffered multiple fractures all over her body, especially her lower body. Apparently, she had been beaten up by a hard object constantly.

There's nothing we can do now; we will have to monitor her closely and wait for her to wake up by herself.

According to the statement from the junkie who had attacked Melody, he was there at the building to hide and happened to found Melody being tied up and lying on the ground. He was high on drugs and proceeds to assault Melody since no one else were there at that moment. I couldn't let him off so easily. I had instructed my lawyers to look into this matter and I want him to rot in prison till the day he's dead.

The police had taken our statements too. I've told them that my colleague, Sydney had spotted Abigail in the lobby with Melody before she went missing. The police went on to investigate and they had found one baseball bat in Abigail's apartment. That baseball bat had Melody's blood tissues on it and forensic evidence shows that the shape of the bat matches the bruises on Melody's body. There were also evidences in her house indicating that she has the intention of attacking Melody. The police found a notebook with the dates and time Melody had entered or leaves the office building. There were photos of Melody on one of the walls in her room.

With all these evidences, Abigail had admitted to the police that she was the one who had attacked Melody and brought her to the deserted old factory. She had tied Melody and had beaten her up. She knew that place would be full of junkies at night. So, she purposefully left Melody there before the night falls and went back home. She knew that those junkies would attack Melody and would leave her to die there.

I cannot imagine what will happen to Melody if I didn't find her in time.

Abigail will be sent to a mental institute to get her mental accessed. She would be charged of kidnapping and assaulting. I am discussing with my lawyers to get more charges against her. I cannot just let her get away after inflicting pain on Melody.

For the media side, Wilson had used his influence to stop the press from finding out. The news only reported that one of our staff has been attacked and the case is still under police investigation. No names and other details were released.

I had contacted Melody's best friend, Jo when Melody was in the operating theatre. She came rushing down and in fact, it was my first time meeting her. Jo was very attentive and she has been helping taking turns to stay beside Melody. I didn't want to leave Melody side at all but Jo had persuaded me to go back home to rest after the second day. She says Melody wouldn't want to see me sick and I have to be healthy when she wakes up.

I couldn't rest. I am very worried. What if I didn't have another chance to see her again? I just went back home to shower and change of clothes and went back to the hospital again.

My mum came to the hospital every day too. I had informed them about the accident. My dad and Jacob were furious. They couldn't believe such thing would happen and they had engaged a team of bodyguards to station outside of Melody's hospital room.

I had put all my job schedules on hold. I do not have the mood to do anything. I couldn't get away until I know that Melody is awake and fine. Wilson understands and he had asked Jared to make the necessary arrangements. I'll just have to work all the backlogs once everything is back to normal.

Can all the things go back to normal?

Every day I will talk to Melody. Asking her not to sleep anymore. Saying it was time to wake up. We still have so much to do; our story couldn't just end like this. I wanted her to say she loves me back.

But, with the time passing every minute, I felt useless.

I couldn't save her. She had sacrificed herself to save me and had almost died.

Because of me, Abigail had attacked her.

I am the cause to everything.

It was late at night. Everyone had gone back home. I am sitting at the armchair beside Melody's bed. The doctors had instructed us to massage her hands or legs. It's to improve her blood circulation. She will need to attend physiotherapy after that and she would need to use clutches to assist on her walking.

There's a lot of tubes attached to her hand and seeing her current state, I couldn't help but feel that it was all my fault for causing such pain to her.

Will she blame me when she wakes up?

I would rather she wakes up now and scold me, hit me, blame me.

I just want her to wake up as soon as possible. I still want the chance to tell her I love her very much.

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