Chapter 7

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Melody's POV

I have never been to London before. I wanted to try the fish and chips and go visit Buckingham Palace. I have also never been on a private plane before. Currently we are in the private departure area in the airport. We are waiting for Daniel's private plane to be ready for boarding. We are travelling in a team of 5 including the star himself. One in-house make-up artist and one stylist. They are travelling with us to take care of Daniel's appearances during this whole trip.

Jared is coming with us as well. Since this is my first overseas business trip, he has to guide me along. I'll have to handle everything the next time.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the plane is ready for boarding now." A smart looking man speaks to us.

We all stood up and started to follow him.

The plane looks smaller compared to those commercial planes, but nonetheless, it still looks magnificent. One by one, we went up to the plane and two air stewardesses welcome us warmly.

The interior of the plane looks nothing less of extravagant. Now I know how the rich people spends their money.

I waited for Daniel to choose where he wants to sit, then I proceed to go to the back. Before I can walk past him, he grabbed my arm to stop me.

"Sit beside me." He looked at me and why does he sounds like he is pleading with me?

I plopped myself down beside him.

To be frank, I have aerophobia. My parents died from an air accident and their bodies were never recovered. My last memory of them was when I am sending them off at the airport. That's our last goodbye.

I am gripping the leather seat handle tightly. I had eaten a sleeping pill before boarding. Hopeful to sleep through the flight. Even if I were to die, I guess I won't have the fear before I am dead. Dying in my sleep is the best way to die. Isn't it?

"Are you alright?" Daniel asked me with concerned.

"I am not." I stammered.

"Come." He put his arm across my shoulder and pull me to him.

My head was on his chest and I can hear his heartbeat. He is calm and his breathing rhythm smooths me. Soon I am closing my eyes and falls into deep slumber.

By the time I woke up, we are still travelling. Daniel's arm is still on my shoulder. I am still in his embrace. I felt warmth and l like this feeling very much. I looked sideways and see that he is sleeping; face on my head. He doesn't look so annoying at this moment.

I do not dare to move; scared that my movement might wake him up. I closed my eyes again. This time, I had my arm across his abdomen.

Daniel's POV

I have never slept so well before. Especially on an aeroplane. But during the flight to London, I had my best sleep. Melody was by my side and nothing matters anymore.

Apparently, she has phobia travelling by air. Her job requires her to travel often because I had to travel to different parts of the world often. Why does she accept this job? Doesn't she know she has to travel via aeroplane? It puzzled me. Why?

We are currently at the hotel. I had the presidential suite and all of them are in my living area discussing about our schedule for this trip. There will be a photo shoot at the hotel tomorrow morning. The following day will be the actual fashion show. Interviews with local media will be on the last day. I am busy as a bee.

"Done. Let's go for dinner. Anybody has any preferences?" Jared announced after the meeting ends.

"Fish and chips by the river Thames?" I suggested. I know there's a very authentic fish and chips shop over there. I always had it every time I come to London. The boss is a good friend of my dad.

"Alright. Meet at the lobby in ten minutes." Jared says and started walking out of the door.

"Oh my gosh! This is so nice." Melody exclaimed.

She looks so happy and it makes me happy too. Who would have thought that a plate of fish and chips can make a girl this happy. I felt like I had accomplished something great.

We continued to chat over dinner and soon Melody and I were left alone. Jared had some business calls to make back at the hotel. The make-up artist and stylist said they need to catch on their beauty sleep. So that they can attract some Englishman over here. They loved their accent.

"Shall we go back to the hotel?" Melody asked after we had spent some time drinking. She looks tired.

I nodded my head and she went to check the bill.

"Accompany me for a walk." I tell her when she is back at my side.

I didn't wait for her reply and started towards the pathway along river Thames. It was a nice breezy night. Most of the shops by the river Thames are still operating. I do not enjoy nightlife; I like peace and quiet. It makes my mind clearer.

Melody is walking beside me. She is wearing a mid-sleeves long dress. Her hair is down till her waist. Her cheek is rosy, like she is wearing a permanent blush. We had some beers and wine during dinner; I cannot remember how much she had drank.

We continued to walk until we are near the hotel. We didn't talk much; just enjoying each other accompany. I had enjoyed it very much. Just her by my side makes my heart full. I wondered if she feels the same way?

"Daniel." She calls me when we are entering the revolving doors of the hotel.

"Hmm..." I turned to face her.

"Do you want to go for a date tomorrow?"

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