Chapter 44

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Melody's POV

Two Years Later

Currently, I am sitting on the floor of the bathroom. I was feeling a mixture of emotions. Happy, but confused. Excited and nervous. I was holding my mobile phone with both of my hands and was googling 'How to inform your boyfriend that you are pregnant with his child?'.

I had just tested and the word 'Pregnant' shown itself on the testing kit. I was beyond surprised and nearly dropped the kit onto the floor.

Daniel is having his world tour for the past year and we are currently at the last leg of his concert. Since last month, I have been feeling nauseous and had no appetite. I blamed it for not being able to acclimatise to the weather and food since we are always travelling. I didn't realise that I had missed my period for two months as I was too busy coordinating his busy schedules and going on the tour with him.

We are quite active on our sex life. We made love almost every other day. We didn't do any prevention as I don't think it was necessary.

Last night I went to a drug store to replenish my feminine wash and I chanced upon the pregnancy kit that was placed on the same shelve. I do not know if it was my sixth sense kicking in, I took the kit together with my feminine wash and made my purchases.

After coming back home, both of us dived back into our busy schedules. At first, I wanted to keep myself busy. I wanted to keep myself busy so that my mind will not be free to think of any unwanted thoughts. Daniel had to catch up on the backlogs he has made when we were in Switzerland and luckily, the album was able to release on time.

Daniel had forced me to move in with him. He says he wanted to compensate for the time we had lost during all those years and since we are basically living together since I was discharged from the hospital. So, it makes no sense to go back to my apartment after coming back home. Furthermore, the media had known about us, we do not need to hide anymore.

Daniel is currently at the main event venue for his rehearsal. Tonight, it will be his last encore show of his world tour. His family had planned a family trip to Canada after tonight show and I was invited to join them. I have been invited to their family events even since we came back from Switzerland. Sarah, Jacob's wife had just given birth to another son six months ago. Daniel's sister, Henrietta was currently expecting her first child.

This morning when I woke up, I was feeling dizzy and Daniel had asked me to stay in bed longer. I would have to go to the concert venue tonight as it was his last show and I cannot miss it.

I placed my palm on my tummy and caress it. There's a life inside of me now. Daniel and I had created this life together and this baby is a miracle child. I hadn't expected this baby to come at all. I thanked heavens for giving me another chance to be a mother and I will cherish this opportunity I am given to.

I am standing at the backstage and Daniel was up on the stage having his last segment. I cannot wait to tell him the good news. After tested for the first time, I went to the drug store again to purchase two more test kits as I wanted to make sure. All came back with the same results.

Daniel is talking to his audiences and Wilson came to stand beside me.

"Daniel told me you are not feeling well this morning. Glad that you can make it tonight." Wilson looks at the monitor which was displaying what Daniel was doing on the stage.

"Yeah. Can't miss it. It was his last show of the tour." I smile.

Suddenly, the crowd are cheering loudly and I had to remove my ear-mic from my ear. Each backstage crew members were handled an ear-mic as it acts as a form of communication. Before I can remove entirely, Wilson pushed me forward and guided me onto the stage.

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