Chapter 19

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Melody's POV

I was being pulled and I had landed myself with my back on the soft mattress of Daniel's bed. My head was in between his arms. He was looking down at me, lips inches away from mine.

"Do you want me?" He asked. He is so close that I can smell his breath.

I nodded my head.

Again, I'd lost my ability to speak when he is so close to me.

"Answer me." He demanded.

"Y... Yes." I stammered. He is so hot when he speaks like that.

"Then be mine." He says and kiss me.

The kiss he is offering me now isn't urgent like in the past. He was taking his time, very tender. His hand found mine and intertwined them. He bought them up above my head and his mouth starts to go to my ear. "You are mine." He whispered softly by my ear. I was so aroused by the words he said.

He removed his hands from mine and start touching my chest. I was wearing a blouse full of buttons at the front and jeans. He must have hated it because the next thing I knew was that he pulled on my blouse and my chest was exposed thereafter. I let out a scream.

I tried to struggle free from his hold. He sensed it and stopped his advancement.

"Sorry." I covered my face with my hands. I don't dare to look at him.

"Did I hurt you?" He asked as he removed my hands from my face. "Look at me." He instructed.

I opened my eyes and see that he has worries written all over his handsome face. "Can you... Can you be gentle?" I asked.

He looked at me for a moment and hugged me. "Sorry. I was out of control." He pulled back and look back at me again. "Just stop me if I am getting rough. Okay?" I nodded and kiss him back.

He lied back down and hugged me tight against him. "Let's sleep, okay?" He speaks.

With Daniel by my side, I'd always felt safe. I know that he tends to be rougher when it comes to sex. I'll need to overcome this obstacle if I wanted to be with him. Baby steps first.

So, I flipped away the blanket and begin to straddle him. His eyes widened when he sees that I am on him. "Mel... What are you..." Before he can complete his sentence, I kiss him hard. I hold his head in between my hands. I kissed his whole face.

"I want you very much." I kiss his lips once.

"I want you to make love to me." I kiss his lips again.

"Will you make love to me?" I asked. I was very scared that he is going to reject me.

After a moment, his boyish smiles appeared and I felt like my heart had doubled in size.

"Are you sure?" He asked and I nodded my head without hesitation.

He turned us around and now he is straddling me.

"Yes, I will make love to you.' He kissed my lips.

"Stop me if I am rough, okay?" He kissed my lips again.

I smile my brightest smiles at him too.

Tonight, he has made the gentlest love to me.

The next morning, I woke up feeling something hovering over me. I opened my eyes and found Daniel looking down at me.

"Do you always look at girls like this?" I questioned him. He is giving me those dreamy eyes that girls would have turned jelly upon looking back.

"Nope. Only you. Always you." He kissed my lips.

"Good morning." He kissed me longer this time. When he looked back at me, his eyes were twinkling.

"Good morning. I bet you have a good night sleep. You look so happy." I told him.

"Because I have you on my bed and I like the feeling of waking up with you in my arms." I stared at him. I do like the feeling of waking up beside him too. I do not think I'll be able to wake up alone in my bed anymore.

I am overjoyed. I hugged him tight against me. "I like too." I speak against his chest.

He pulls me back and looked into my eyes. Without wasting another second, our lips connected and he kissed me hard. His hands are exploring my naked body and mine does the same.

I wanted to show it to him what I had meant. I like him, no.

l love him.

I touched his chest and down his abs. I love his body. I can never get tired of it. Then, I grabbed his manhood in my hand. He let out a growl. That was so sexy. It had turned me on.

It was time for me to shine.

I paused the kiss and pushed him down on the mattress. I straddled him. I start kissing his face and slowing descend down to his nipples. I sucked them hard. He was grabbing my hair and moaning. Shit, I think my juices are overflowing.

Slowly, I kiss him lower and lower until I am face to face with his manhood. His erection was evident. I couldn't resist. I grabbed his manhood and I lowered my mouth towards it. I looked up and see that he is watching me with hooded eyes. Without hesitation, I put his dick into my mouth and sucked hard.

"Fuck. Melody." He growls loud. So fucking sexy.

I pumped him while sucking. His grip on my hair is rough. I could take it. I could take everything he is giving me.

When I know he is close, I release his manhood from my mouth. I want him to be inside me. I want what he has to offer. I adjust myself and my entrance was right above is manhood. His hands on my hip.

And, I lowered myself down. I was already so wet for him. Both of us cried out when he had entered me. The feeling was out of the world. He completes me; I felt whole again. I want to make love to him with all I have.

I move up and down; my breasts bouncing. I was so hot for him. His hands cup my breasts and begin to mould them. I was a moaning mess. I used my index finger to massage my clitoris. "Dan..." I was chanting his name.

"Fuck Mel. This is fucking hot."

"Dan... I am coming." I speak. I cannot hold it any longer.

"No! Don't come yet." He moves his hip up and matches my movement.

I couldn't take it any longer. So, I removed my index finger from myself. Daniel sees it and replaced mine with his finger. His finger begins to massage my clitoris. Shit. This is going to kill me.

"Dan... I can't." I screamed and my whole body shakes. He comes right after me, spilling his seeds inside me.

"Fuck. That was so intense." Daniels says and we embraced each other.

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