Chapter 24

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Melody's POV

I am very looking forward to the world tour with Daniel. I had watched the movie during screening time and it was very good. The story was great; Daniel was great. I am sure it will become a hit in the box office. Although I still have my phobia taking aeroplane, but I am sure I can overcome it. Because Daniel will be by my side this whole time.

I had talked to Jo and she had urged me to talk to Daniel soon about my past. I had promised her that I will do so after the world tour. I hope I would have enough courage by then.

Daniel wants to drink the limited-edition coffee from the café two blocks away from the office. It was a Sakura theme. They even have a few merchandises for this theme. Japan will be the Asia stop during this tour. I cannot wait to see the real Sakura.

After getting the orders from few of my colleagues, I proceed towards the café. It was a cute small café. The café staffs had decorated the whole place in Sakura flowers. It was lovely.

"Hey. You are Daniel's new assistant, right?" I was standing in the queue when I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw Abigail. Abigail was the chairwomen in Daniel's fan club. She claims to be his number one fan.

"Yes. I am Melody. You are Abigail, right? Nice meeting you." I smile and extended my hand.

"Yes, yes. I have heard from Jared about you. Are you buying coffee for Daniel? Let me pay the bills." She begins to take her wallet out from her bag.

"No, no. I am getting a few orders for my colleagues too. Thank you for your offer. You are very kind. Why don't I pay for yours?" I had offered to her. No harm treating Daniel's fan a drink. He needs his fans' support.

"Oh. No worries. I was just stopping by to say hi to you. I wanted to pass some gifts to Daniel. I know that he will be jetting off for his world tour. I wanted to wish him all the best. We will always support him." She beams happily. It was great that Daniel has such a huge fan base.

I came to know about Abigail through Jared and Sydney. She will always come to our office to send Daniel flowers and gifts. I heard that she stays near the office so that she could chance upon Daniel. She is a die-hard fan.

"Do you want to come along with me? I am heading back to the office after this." She is holding a bouquet of flowers and a big box. I wondered what's inside the box. "You can pass your gifts to Daniel directly." I continued and her eyes widened.

"Yes, yes! That will be great." She seems excited at my offer. It was great to know that my small offer could create such happiness on a person.

We continued with our purchases and she even offered to help me carry it. Abigail was a very friendly and cheerful person. She is very animated and very expressive on her loves for Daniel. During our conversations, our topics were all around him. She told me how she fell in love with Daniel. She was going through a hard breakup during that time and one day she was crying alone in her car. While crying, the radio played Daniel's song. She says that during that time, she felt that the only person that was accompany her was Daniel.

Daniel was still a newbie during that period. So, Abigail creates his fan club and expanded it in the whole country. Thanks to her effort, Daniel has a huge fan base worldwide.

We were happily chatting while walking back to the office. When we were approaching the office, we heard sirens. Sirens coming from an ambulance. What has happened?

We speed up our pace to the group of people crowding in front of our building. When we were near them, we saw paramedics attending to a lady lying on the sidewalk. Blood was coming out from her head. At a closer look, I realised she was Melanie. She is from the Finance Department.

"What happened?" I asked the person standing next to me.

"Hit and run. She was standing near the road and was on the phone. I think she didn't see the car approaching and it hit her. Unfortunately, the car sped off after that. Poor thing."

Before I could comment further, I felt a hand gripping my wrist. I was being forced to turn around to whoever is holding me. The hand gripping me harshly belongs to Daniel. He looks angry and relieved at the same time. "Where have you been? I have been calling you." He speaks angrily.

"Did you call me? I went to buy coffee." I must have put my phone in silent mode and was too engrossed in chatting with Abigail that I didn't realise my phone has been ringing.

Without a word, Daniel begins to pull me along with him into the building. He was walking too fast and I was basically running after him. My legs are not that long compared to his. What's the matter?

He opens the door to the nearest stairwell and pulls me in. "What's wrong" I asked, confused.

Daniel didn't say any word but just stared at me while his hands were holding my shoulders. His eyes were watery. Suddenly he pulls me to him and crashed me into his embrace. He is hugging me tightly. Too tight. His hands cradling the back of my head.

"What's wrong?" I asked softly against his chest. I am beginning to worry. He was still fine when I left him in Wilson's office.

"Don't ever do that again. You just scared the shit out of me." He pulls back and look at me. "I thought you were the one that got hit by a car. I ran as fast as I could while calling you. It just keeps ringing." He looks really worried and suddenly I felt guilty.

I didn't know what has happened while I was away. But looks like a miscommunication must have happened. I think I would have been very worried too if Daniel is the one who was injured. I would have turned crazy.

"I am sorry." I looked down at the drinks I am still holding. I didn't know what to say to make him feel better. I have indeed caused him to panic. I can fully understand the anxiousness he is feeling now. I have this feeling before.

"Don't leave me." He hugs me again. I felt all the tenderness he has for me in this hug. Felt like he is really afraid that I might leave him. 

"I won't. I promise." And I meant it.

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