Chapter 40

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*This chaptercontains descriptions of rape, drugs & violence*

Daniel's POV

"I was raped." My eyes turned wide and turned to look at Melody.

She is looking ahead at the sky. Her fingers fidgeting.

"Seven years ago, I was grieving for the loss of my grandmother. She had died because of a car accident. A group of boys were drunk and were driving. The driver hit my grandmother when she was getting off work and without stopping to see what had happened, they sped off. My grandmother succumbed to her injuries and died three days later." She wipes her tears with the back of her hands.

"The police found out who they were, but no charges were against them. The driver's parents were famous lawyers in town and the parents for the rest of the boys were rich. I was alone against them. I couldn't win. I tried every means I can, but the results were against me. One night, I went to a bar. It was located beside the restaurant I was working at that time. I didn't want to go back home. I didn't want to be alone. In the bar, I saw a guy on stage." She turns to look at me.

"He is very handsome. He is singing and I was mesmerised by his voice. His songs calmed me down." She returned her vision to the front.

"I went back to the bar every night after my shift ended. I wanted to listen to his songs and most importantly, I wanted to see him. Somehow, I didn't feel lost when I am looking at him." She smiles ruefully.

"Two weeks had passed and one day, he approached me and talks to me. I was over the moon. Finally, I felt happy after so long." She looks at me again.

"You have made me happy." She says.

"I was starstruck when you had approached me. I didn't expect you would come to talk to me. The more we talked, the happier I was. I do not feel lonely anymore. I just kept going back to the bar every single day, because I wanted to talk to you. You would come talk to me every day after your performance. We would chat until the bar is closing. It was my happiest days during that period."

I was singing in this bar before Wilson had signed me. I wanted to test my market value and also to gain some experience. The bar was in another town and I had to travel at least an hour every day. My parents didn't know, only Wilson knew about it.

When Melody had visited the bar the first time, it was actually my second last day of work. I had to go back and complete my university classes. The boss was very reluctant to let me go. When I saw her again the next day, I had my mind changed.

My boss was over the moon when I told him I would sing for one more month. I wanted to see Melody again. It was love at first sight.

I didn't dare to approach Melody at first. But as time goes by every day, I know I would need to do something before I loses my chance to get to know her. So, I mustered up my courage and talk to her. She was lovely, just how I had imagined her to be.

"When you had asked me out for a date, I was ecstatic. Jo had dressed me up for the night and I went to the bar happier than any other day. We had planned to wait for your show to finish and we would go somewhere for dinner. I couldn't wait for us to spend some time alone. I wanted to get to know you more."

I remembered asking her for a date. I will need to leave soon and I wanted to know her more; somewhere not in the bar. I had planned to bring her to the restaurant selling the best steak I have ever eaten, then a stroll at the park.

That night, I went to check on her during my break and we had a small chat. I had asked the bartender to get a drink for Melody.

"I was drinking the drink you had ordered for me and when I had finished it, I was feeling dizzy. I wanted to go to the ladies to wash myself up, but my legs were wobbly. The bartender saw it and helped me."

I was on the stage singing and I saw the bartender, Billy holding Melody on her shoulders and went towards the washroom corridor. I didn't think much, Billy was a friendly guy.

But when I finished my performance, I couldn't find both of them. I waited and waited until the bar closes. That was the last time I saw both of them. I was disappointed and angry. All these years, I have thought Melody had left me for Billy. She didn't wait for me.

"The cocktail was drugged; I was unconscious after Billy had helped me up. When I woke up, I found myself in a dark room. Apparently, the boys who had killed my grandmother knows Billy. Billy has told them about me going to the bar he is working every day. So, they had asked him to bring me to this house.

Because I was very persistent in getting justice for my grandmother, it triggered them. They wanted to do something to shut me up.

They held me captive in the room and forced themselves on me. They gang-raped me." She looks down on her fingers.

I was speechless.

"They didn't let me go after that. I was kept inside the room for many days or maybe even weeks. I have lost count. They would rape and torture me every single day. I had lost all hope.

They even injected drugs in me on a daily basic. I was not myself after that. They took this opportunity to do all sorts of things to me. I wanted to die; even this was a difficult task for me at that time.

I was only given a slice of bread and a bottle of water every day.

One day, one of the boys said that his parents were coming back. They would need to leave this place as soon as possible. Their solution was to dispose me in a forested area at the countryside.

They had tied me up and before they throw me off in the forest, I remembered they had forced me to drink something. I do not know what was that. My only memory was that I was slipping into unconsciousness.

By the time I regained consciousness, I was already in a hospital bed."

These bastards. I am so angry after hearing all these. She doesn't deserve all these.

"A couple of months had passed when I woke up. The doctors told me I was in a coma. They did some tests on me and they told me I had suffered PTSD memory lost. I couldn't remember things that had happened to me, especially that fateful day that Billy had drugged me at the bar. The only thing that I have memory of is that I was supposed to meet you at the bar and we were supposed to go out on a date."

I had wrongly blamed her for all these years. She didn't leave me. She still remembers me.

"I had regained my memories after you had rescued me. All of them came back to me after I had woken up few days ago." She just answered what I had wanted to know for the longest time.

For the past few months that she has been with me, I had tried to ask her some questions related to our time at the bar; especially that day that she had left me. But she didn't seem to have any recollections of it.

When I had brought Melody back to meet my family, Jacob did volunteer to do a background check on Melody. I had rejected his offer. My reason been it was unnecessary. I still love her even she doesn't remember me from our past. We can always create new memories.

"Did you know who had rescued you?"

"A social worker told me a man was hiking at that area and he found me. He brought me to the hospital. I was lucky, I would have died." She answered.

"I was malnourished by the time I was in the hospital. My body was in a super bad condition. I had injuries all over my body. One of my legs was broken. When I asked what had happened to me, they told me that I was sexually assaulted and that was why I was in the hospital.

The doctor did tell me another news which had turned my life around.

She told me that I was pregnant." 

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