Chapter 11

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Melody's POV

"I didn't know you can speak Korean." Daniel looked at me and he seems very impressed.

"I picked up the language during my free time five years ago." I replied.

Jo had forced me to watch some Korean variety shows a few years back. She says that since I do not understand Korean, I can just laugh at their funny actions without the knowledge of knowing what they say. Even if the shows had said some upsetting words, I will not know. Thus, it will not affect my mood. She wanted to keep my mind occupied and not think of any unnecessary things.

I was at my lowest point of life five years ago.

Worst of all, she had removed all the subtitles.

It irritates me to the extent that I self-learn the language after that. I couldn't understand what the shows is about and I was curious. Since I have quite a bit of free time during that period, I went online and studied it. It doesn't hurt to pick up another language.

"Have you been drinking?" I asked Daniel. He looks tipsy.

I started walking towards the door in search of Jared.

"I have high alcohol tolerance level." He says and grab my wrist to turn me around to face him.

He looked deeply into my eyes. "Where have you been?" He continued.

Without any notice, he pulled me towards him and gave me a tight hug. I was shocked. He doesn't seem to be that drunk. We had a nice chat with the Koreans a moment ago.

"I have been here all along." I answered. I wondered why he had asked me this question. Did he expect me to leave him here?

He continued to hug me without saying another word.

"Do you want to go back to your room now?" I asked and hoped that he agreed to go back to his room while he is still conscious. I do not think I had the strength to carry him back to his room if he is unconscious. My back will break.

Luckily, he nodded his head.

He had allowed me to hold his hand. We headed towards the side exit where there's lesser people. Jared will not appreciate if some photographer had snapped a photo of Daniel in a drunken state.

My phone rang and it was Jared.

"Are you still in the meeting with the Koreans?" Jared asked. His background noise is loud.

"No. We are on the way back to Daniel's room. Where are you?" I asked him. Hopefully he is nearby.

"The film production director is here with me. I've agreed to have a drink with him. You guys go ahead. I will see you tomorrow morning." Jared ended the call after that.

Daniel had starred in a movie before he went for his vacation and the post production is completing soon. We will be attending a film festival soon and his movie will premier there.

"Are you able to wash yourself up?" I asked when we were inside his room.

He seems alright to handle himself. He can still walk a straight line when we were walking back to his room. I suppose he is just a little tipsy.

"I want you to help me." He proceeds to walk towards the bathroom and begin to remove his accessories in the meantime.

I followed suit while collecting his watch and jewelleries. I placed them neatly on a side-table before entering the bathroom.

When I saw him again, he had removed his shirt and was sitting on the vanity. He gestured for me to come towards him. "Remove my make-up." He instructed and placed both of his hands at his sides.

I am beginning to think that I have become his nanny for real. Does Jared remove his make-up too?

I went to pick up a cotton pad and wet it with the make-up remover. I begin wiping from his forehead first, and slowly going down his face. When I am about to proceed to the next step by taking the cleansing oil, both of his hands hold my waist and pull me closer to him. I shrieked.

I stopped what I was doing. I looked back at him with a shocked expression.

What was he doing?

"You cannot clean properly if you are standing so far away." He smirked.

I was speechless. When he is so close to me, I cannot think properly. So, I just nodded since I couldn't think of a word to reply him.

I'd admired his perfect face while cleaning his face. Who gets a chance to clean up a superstar face in such a close proximity and his complexion is flawless. I bet he is enjoying himself very much.

"Next up, my hair." He jumped down and went towards the bathtub. With his pants still on him, he proceeds to sit in the bathtub with his head hanging out of it. Eyes looking at the ceiling.

I felt like a mum now.

I massaged his hair. Since I'll have to wash his hair, might as well wash it thoroughly. His hair is so smooth and silky. I am beginning to think that it's time to groom myself. My hair is always tangled up when I woke up from bed every morning.

I washed his hair clean and was about to take the towel by the vanity when I heard him call my name very softly. "Melody."

I looked down at his face and suddenly he ascends his face up to meet me.

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