Chapter 16

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Melody's POV

I peeked open my eye. The room is dark. That's strange, because I will always keep a lamp on when I am sleeping.

Someone is sleeping besides me. I can hear his breathing sound and we were both hugging each other.

"Shit." I opened my eyes and I saw Daniel's face.

"Shit, shit, shit." Very slowly, I peeled myself away from him.

I raised the blanket up and saw that I am still wearing what I've wore yesterday. I touched myself and I still have my underwear on me.

Oh no, what have I done? Why am I sleeping beside him? I thought I have gone home after the dinner? Didn't I? I hoped I didn't say anything that shouldn't have been said.

Slowly and quietly, I got out of the bed and went to the bathroom.

"My gosh!" Shit is indeed the correct word to use on me right now. I looked like shit. I turned on the tap and splashed some water on my face. I need to wake up and focus. I shouldn't have drunk so much last night. I was angry at him. I wanted to scold him, but I couldn't do it. Not when the steak was so delicious. I ended up being angry at myself and drank myself to oblivious.

I need to get away from him as soon as possible. After having a moment in the bathroom, I did a silent prayer, hoping he is still sleeping. So that I could sneak out of his house. But as I had said before, shit luck always follows with me. I went out of the bathroom and saw Daniel siting on his bed and was looking at me.

"Ehm... Good morning." I smiled weakling at him.

"I err... I... I am going now." I fasten my pace and went to open his bedroom door in lighting speed. I ran out and saw my shoes on the floor outside his bedroom. "Shit. Arghh..." I was contemplating to pick up my shoes or not.

My decision to pick up my shoes was a wrong move. Daniel caught up with me and in a split second, he was caging me in his arms. He is hugging me from behind. My back was plastered to his front. I couldn't move nor speak. It has been a shocking experience since I woke this morning.

"Good morning." Finally, he says after a moment. He turned me around and looked at me. "Join me for breakfast? Pancakes?" He continued. Since I have become mute, I can only nod my head in response.

Again, the pancakes he cooked was so delicious. So fluffy. The pancake I have made in the past tasted like crap compared to his. 

We ate in silent. I do not dare to speak; I fear that I might say something wrong. I wanted to ask if I had said anything unpleasant to him last night. I hoped I didn't. Most importantly, I wanted to ask if we have sex last night.

"I'll wash the dishes." I volunteered after we are done with our breakfast. I mean he had already cooked twice for me. Washing dishes is the only thing I can do to thank him now. He just nodded his head.

After washing and cleaning up his kitchen, I found him at his study room.

His study room is like a mini library. Shelves of books on all three sides of the walls. A very comfortable looking arm-chair was situated at a corner. He was sitting on it. I realised he was reading a Korean recipe book.

I knocked on the door and he looked up. "Ehm... I am done washing up. I will get going." I said and began turning around.

"Wait." He came forward and I was confused at the question he is asking.

"Do you like to eat kimchi?"

I looked at him, dumbfounded.

"I'll make some for you next time." He smiled at me.

"What are you..." Before I can complete my sentence, he hugs me again.

"I won't hurt you; I promise you." He speaks against my hair.

I am looking at my computer screen in my office. It's a blank page. I am thinking.

After I had left Daniel's house, I went back home to brush my teeth and shower. My headache is surfacing but I have to endure it. I am allergic to paracetamol. I cannot buy medicine off the shelves unless I have gotten approval from my doctor. Otherwise, I am putting myself at risk.

Why had Daniel promised me that he won't hurt me? Why does he say that? Is it because I had said something to him last night? "Arghh..." I covered my face with my hands.

"What's wrong?" Sydney came into my office and asked. She is holding a bouquet of red roses. We have become quite close. Her personality is kind of like Jo and I like her.

"Nothing, I am having a headache. Just need more coffee." I replied. "Which of your admirer send you roses?" I continued and smile cheekily at her.

"Nah., how I wished. These are for you."

"What? Are you sure?" I was shocked. No one had sent flowers to me before. This is a first.

"100% sure. Unless your name is not Melody."

I took over the bouquet and looked at the roses, then at the small card that was placed in it.

It wrote: 'Yes, I will date you.'

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