Chapter 8

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Melody's POV

I am not an alcohol person. I preferred to be sober. Why get yourself drunk and you had to vomit everything out in the end? It's disgusting. Furthermore, you have to clean up your vomit after that. Arghh...

But I was happy last night. Because of the fish and chips? Nah... Maybe a little, but because I was happy with the person I am with. We drank and took a stroll by the river. It was romantic. It feels like a date.

So, when we were entering the hotel, I took up my courage and asked the question. I blamed it on the alcohol intake and the vibe of the night. But I didn't regret asking the question.

His answer to me. Well, he didn't straight up answer me. He just kisses my cheek and wish me good night. So that's a no, right?

I was feeling a little down when we were having breakfast at the restaurant of the hotel. I don't blame him for rejecting me, why would he want to date an ordinary person like me? And I was his staff.

"I'll have a meeting with the brand representative at their office later. So, Melody will see through the shoot. After that it will be your own free time; you guys can go for some sightseeing. As for you, Daniel, please keep a low profile. The show is tomorrow, we wouldn't want the paparazzi to follow you around and cause a scene." Jared told us.

We all nodded and proceed to prepare ourselves for the upcoming shoot.

The photoshoot is at one of the private rooms in the hotel. It has a huge balcony that overlooked river Thames. There's a connecting room beside it and we are all preparing ourselves there.

Currently I am taking a video of Daniel getting dressed. He is standing in front of a full-length mirror adjusting his bow-tie. The suit he is donning now makes him so smart looking. He looks edible.

When the moment our eyes met, he smirked and winked at me. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I didn't just imagine it. I hope he does that because of the video the media team needs to post on the social media and not directed at me.

The photoshoot went very well. The weather was fantastic. Natural sunlight shines on Daniel's face when he was shooting at the balcony. The hotel's sofas and bed were made into good use too. Again, he has done it with professionalism. All the photos looked great. The director is very happy when we finished the shoot before the scheduled time.

The make-up artist and stylist bid us goodbye and off they went for their man-hunt after the shoot. I am currently in my bathtub. I hold my breath and went under the water. It was peaceful and I closed my eyes. I had this habit of staying under water after that incident. The water shut down all the unnecessary noises and it makes me calm.

When I emerged from the water, I heard the doorbell rings. I ignored it and hoped that whoever it was outside will stop pressing the doorbell if I pretended to not be in the room.

Unfortunately, that person was very persistent. The doorbell kept ringing and it was becoming too annoying to ignore. I quickly wrapped myself with the huge towel and went to answer my room door.

When I had opened the door, I was surprised to see Daniel standing in front of me holding a stalk of rose.

Daniel's POV

If your manhood didn't harden when an almost naked woman standing in front of you. There must be something wrong with you. A doctor visit is necessary.

Melody's hair is wet and water is dripping down her body. The white towel covering her does not do its job well. I hope she doesn't notice that I was staring at her breast. It was hard to ignore given the cup size. I have to swallow my saliva and mentally ask my dick to behave.

"Why are you here?" She asked and started to adjust her towel.

The water dripping down is making her white towel becoming translucent. I was thankful that my mother had chosen white coloured towel for all the hotels.

"I have to go somewhere. You are supposing to follow me." I replied and started entering her room.

"Oh." She looked shocked.

"You might want to close the door? Someone might walk by your room." I point at her room door.

She blushed and hurriedly close the door. "Give me a minute." She said while walking past me to her bathroom.

I wanted to stop her and push her to the bed; I wanted to remove that damn towel away from her body. I wanted to kiss her and touch her. I wanted to touch every part of her body. But I don't. This is not the time yet. I have better plans.

You cannot blame me for reacting this way, I am a man and I couldn't resist her. No one can. She has been on my mind quite frequent lately.

I cannot wait for our date to begin.

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