Chapter 43

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Melody's POV

It has been eight months since the Abigail's incident.

The wound on my chest is healing well and I do not need clutches anymore.

Daniel and I had a deep talk after he had brought me up from the swimming pool. He told me he felt that he was the one that's liable for all the things that had happened to me. He had brought harm to me. He was scared, scared that I will be hurt again if he continues to stay by my side. Most of all, he felt guilty.

I told him my worries too. I told him I felt unworthy and told him I wasn't complete. I wouldn't be able to give him what he desires. I was ruined and torn beyond pieces.

He told me he didn't mind and he doesn't want me to leave him again. Nothing matters more than having me by his side.

I was very touched and both of us cried while embracing each other.

From that day onwards, he's always by my side. He would bring me to doctors and therapies visits. He would hold my hand and brings me for a stroll. We are almost back to how we used to be. I still have my apprehension towards the whole thing. Will he really accept me for who I am? Will he blame me after many years later that I couldn't bear a child for him? What will his family and friends think of me?

I had tried to think positively and one night while lying on bed, I picked up my courage and told Daniel about my concerns. He was calm and he told me that his parents are already grandparents to Jacob's children. They couldn't have mind if he didn't give them any grandchildren. He will treat his nephew and niece like his own and he wants me to treat them as my own children as well.

He didn't and will not care what others will think about me, about us. He can give up everything that he has now, he just wants me to stay by his side. That was his only request from me.

In my heart, I am happy that he still choses me. I wouldn't have wanted anything else too.

I want to be with him.

As long as he still wants me, I will stay with him for as long as I can. Afterall, I had promised to never leave him again.

This is a promise I had every intention on keeping.

Daniel had brought me to Switzerland after the doctor gave us clearance that I am able to travel again. We went to the cottage that Daniel's dad had owned. It was a three-storey house that was located very near to a ski resort.

He told me this was his favourite place. He can enjoy peace and quiet when he is here. He taught me how to ski when we were there. Daniel is a pro in this sport while I kept falling down and after the whole skiing session, my whole leg hurts. This sport looks graceful but it was very tiring.

At night, we would cuddle in front of the fireplace and enjoy a cup of hot cocoa. Sometimes we would go out for star glazing. He would hug me to sleep every single night. I had enjoyed my time over here. Because Daniel is by my side.

I still have my nightmares. But it was less scary and Daniel didn't disappear anymore. He would hold and save me this time.

I did ask Daniel when will he resume back to his work. I know that his album is still in the making. He has meetings to attend and there are deadlines to meet. I know that Wilson and Jared have been reaching out to him and he would secretly answer their calls behind my back. But he will just tell me that he wants to enjoy his time and Wilson will handle all those meetings.

I did want to spend some alone time with him and explore the whole of Switzerland, but I also know that I couldn't keep him for so long. Because of me, his works have been delayed. The album needed him and I would need to work as well. I cannot keep taking leaves and asked someone else to take over my work. I cannot be so selfish.

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