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Melody's POV

I felt like a princess when I was pregnant. Daniel took great care of me, attending to my every needs. I didn't want the media to know about my pregnancy, I wanted to keep my baby from the outside world. I want my baby to grow up in a safe environment.

But when my tummy grows and I couldn't hide it anymore, Daniel took me to his parents' house. He wants someone to be able to take care of me when he is not around. His schedules were still very packed and he wants to stay by our side when the baby is out. So, he tries to complete as much work he has on hand as possible.

When we knew the baby's gender, Daniel was ecstatic. He has his wishes come true. It was a girl.

The whole pregnancy went very well. We did different scans and tests; I want to make sure the baby is growing well in my womb. This might be my only chance of becoming a mother.

I cannot let this chance slip away from me.

Although I have my worries about child birth, I still want to try the natural way. With Daniel by my side this time, it will be going well. Right?

My plan was to give birth at home. The media have been suspecting as I hadn't appeared in the public's eyes for months. I didn't want the paparazzi to catch on us. It's best to stay away from their attention.

Daniel's mother had prepared all the things that we would need and she had engaged professional doctors to be on standby if I am going into labour.

I was in Week 40 and I am getting worried. I had asked Daniel to have sex with me every day. They say having sex helps in speeding up and true enough, my contractions came one week later. The whole delivery process lasted for a whole day. It was very painful. Daniel was by my side the whole time. He was very attentive and keeps saying encouraging words to me.

Daniel was the one who pulls Charlotte out.

When I saw my baby, I was beyond happy. She was healthy and she is the cutest baby I have ever lay my eyes on. She belongs to Daniel and me.

I am glad that I was given a chance to be a mother.

Daniel and I have not registered our marriage yet. When I was carrying Charlotte, we wanted to make sure she is growing well in my womb and Daniel doesn't want me to be stressed out. So, we decided to hold the wedding off first. We would wait until I had given birth.

When Charlotte was out, we had put our focus on her. I do not need a wedding to show people I belong to Daniel and him belonging to me. And, I do not need a piece of paper to prove how much we are in love with each other. I am just being happy that I can have a little family that I called mine.

Daniel is a very hands-on dad. He participated in everything, like changing diaper, bathe the baby, feeding, etc. He is a great dad.

I know that he wanted me to be stress free. I guess he is scared that I will fall into depression again. Things are looking good for me. I still had my appointments with my therapist once in a while. I promised Daniel and myself that I will be happy and most importantly, I need to be strong for my baby.

We had decided to announce Charlotte's birth on social media six months after she was born. Congratulations messages came one after another. We were blessed that many people were very supportive of us.

During this whole time, Daniel has been composing songs at his own pace. He would just engage in jobs that doesn't require him to travel for a long period of time. We had also moved from his penthouse to a house that was very close to his parents' house.

Sarah, Daniel's sister-in-law would always plan playdates for all the children. It was really fun to have the children gathered together, especially when all the children are very close in age. Although it will be a mess after each playdate, we are just glad that both adults and children were able to enjoy.

On Charlotte's first birthday, both Daniel and I had organised a big party for her. You will only be one year old once; therefore, we had decided to have a blast. We had the party at our house and we had engaged a party event planner to get everything in place. Many people came and by the end of the day, I was exhausted.

Before Charlotte's birthday, I went to have my yearly checkup done. I was shocked when I have gotten back the report. I am holding the report on my hand and waiting for Daniel to come out from the bathroom. I have no idea how should I break the news to Daniel.

"What are you thinking?" Daniel asked. I didn't realise he had hopped onto the bed.

"Nothing. Just tired. Anyway, here's the report for my body checkup." I handed him the envelope.

He looked at me suspiciously and open the envelope. I was holding my breath when he took out the piece of paper.

Reading every single line carefully, his eyes turned wide and I know that he has gotten the message I wanted to tell him.

"Serious?" He exclaimed and I nodded my head at him while smiling brightly.

The report says that I was three months pregnant.

Initially I thought I was being fat. Because I was stress. And when I am stress, I ate a lot.

The reason on why I was stress is because I wanted to get back to the work force. I wanted to be financially stable for myself and not rely on Daniel. Partly is also because I do not want people to gossip about me. There are still people saying I had seduced Daniel because of his wealth.

But I couldn't stay away from Charlotte too. I wanted to stay by her side every single day. I want to watch her grow and I want to witness every single milestone that she had.

I had discussed with Daniel previously and he doesn't object my decision. He says as long as I am ready, he would talk to Wilson and have my position back.

I started to cry. I am feeling different kinds of emotions all at once. I blame my emotion breakdown on my pregnancy hormones.

"Why are you crying. Silly girl. It's a happy news." Daniel hugs me.

"I know. I am very happy too." I am indeed very happy. I had enjoyed being a mother.

"Then why are you crying?" He starts to caress my head in a smoothing rhythm.

"I am very happy and fortunate that I am given a second chance to be with you." This was true. I am very grateful that I was given another chance to be with Daniel. Grateful that he didn't give up on me. Thankful that he had given me a family that I had dreamt of.

"I love you." I say and I kissed the man I am loving with all my heart.

'The End'

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