Chapter 28

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Melody's POV

Tiffany was the female lead actress in Daniel's movie. Her beauty was hard to ignore. Everywhere she went, eyes followed. She has big eyes, proportional nose and a well-defined jawline. She looks peaceful sleeping on the sofa right now.

I turned and looked back at Daniel. "Why is she here?" I asked coldly.

Daniel looks tired and he looks embarrassed. What have they been doing? Is she the reason why he couldn't pick up his calls?

"She was tipsy when the party ended. She wanted me to escort her back to her room. Worst of all, she couldn't remember where her room is." He speaks angrily.

"After searching for a while, she told me she is feeling sick and wants to vomit. So, I had no choice but bring her to my room."

"And?" I wanted him to explain himself. I am not that kind of woman who refuses to listen to explanation.

"Before she can reach the basin, she puked on me." Oh no. That was disgusting. Ewww....

"You shouldn't have done that." Daniel shouldn't have brought her to his room no matter what had happened. He should know that's how a rumour starts. He may not have any evil thoughts on her, but you cannot make sure she wouldn't accuse him of anything.

"I tried calling you, but your line is busy." He sounds desperate.

"Return Wilson's call. I will handle her." I walked over to Tiffany who is now dead to the world. Before I can reach her, Daniel holds my wrist and turned me around to face him.

"Believe me." He speaks. His pleading eyes has me weak again. I released myself from his hold and begins to dial Tiffany's assistant number.

I had to call a few times before I heard a slurred 'Hello' on the other end of the line. Her assistant must be drunk as well. I was glad that she isn't from our management company. Otherwise, Jared might burst his blood vessels soon.

I told her assistant to come to Daniel's room to pick Tiffany up. "I doubted she will remember anything tonight. Just in case, tell everyone I was with you during this time." I speak to Daniel. I cannot allow people to know that they have been together alone. Even if this is for a short period of time.

It was not for my own benefit.

I was angry and disappointed in him. Angry with him for bringing her to his room. Disappointed that he should know better to get involved with another woman. Especially at this period of his career. What was he thinking?

I found his shirt on the floor beside the basin. It was indeed soiled with vomit. My god, what did she ate for dinner and how much had she drank?

I chose to believe Daniel. Firstly, if both of them were indeed doing things behind my back, he wouldn't have opened his door for me. Secondly, based on the soiled shirt on the floor, she really did puke on him. Daniel has OCD, he wouldn't have allowed her to touch him if that is really the case.

But I will need to stay angry. I need him to understand the seriousness of this matter. He may be kind-hearted, but this could get worst and his reputation might be at risk. The career he had built up over the years could be crashed with a single statement from Tiffany. If she chose to tell lies, I cannot imagine what will the press say about Daniel.

I tried to wake Tiffany up, she has been mumbling something I couldn't understand. Luckily her assistant arrived shortly and despite Tiffany being petite in size, she was heavy when drunk. She couldn't walk properly. I had to help her assistant to bring her back to her room which was a level down from Daniel's.

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