Chapter 12

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Daniel's POV

I cannot resist myself anymore. I have been staring at her lips since we were in the VIP room. I do not think it was because of my alcohol intake. She has always been on my mind and I cannot think of any reason to ask her to stay with me. So, I became childish and had asked her to clean my face and wash my hair.

I kissed her.

She didn't react at first. I think I had caught her by surprise. After a moment, she pulled herself back and looked at me. Her fingers went to touch her lips.

I sat myself up and grabbed her head in between my hands and started kissing her again. This time, I kissed her hard.

She didn't resist me this time. I cannot wait to devour her.

Our mouth moved in sync and our kisses became urgent. I urged her to open her mouth and she obey without hesitation. She matches my kisses. I placed my hand on her nape and pull her closer to me. She wounded her arm around my waist in response.

I kept kissing her, nuzzling her neck along the way. Involuntary moans came from her. I cannot contain myself any longer. I break the kisses and pull my head away to look at her. Looking into her eyes, I feel like she is feeling the same way I am feeling now. The need of having each other.

I stood up and stepped away from the bathtub. I began to carry her towards the bedroom. She kept her eyes on me. I cannot explain how I feel when she is looking at me like this. No words could explain anything right at this moment.

She shrieked when I had placed her on my bed. Without wasting another moment, I pinned her between the bed and me and start kissing her passionately. I moved my mouth to her jaw and kiss along her neck and breathe her in. I am a creep but I cannot help it when I am holding her like this.

We couldn't keep our hands off each other and soon all of our clothes have left our bodies.

I admired her body, touch every part of her. Trailing my kisses all over her body. This feeling is sensational. I massaged her breast; so soft and I suck hard on her nipples. She moans loud and I loved the sound she is making. My dick is getting harder.

"I need you." I whispered hoarsely against her lips.

She looked at me with eyes filled with unspoken words. I cannot decipher what she is trying to tell me. But right now, I want her to say she needs me too.

I didn't realise I was holding my breath when she reached up and touch her lips with mine. No words needed right now. I have my answer.

I quickly open my nightstand drawer and took out the condom. In lighting speed, I had the rubber on me.

My knees nudged her thighs, wanting her to open up to me. I looked at her again before joining our bodies together. She cried out and hold me tight against her.

"You are beautiful, my Melody." I say to her while looking straight into her eyes. I mean what I say and I want her to know it.

And soon we were both in the absolute pleasure.

Melody's POV

Daniel is hugging me and my head was on his chest. We are currently lying on his bed after our love-making. In the heat of passion, we lost ourselves to one another. During the whole time, he kept saying how beautiful I am, how special I was to him. The words he said makes me feels the need he has for me.

Most importantly, I felt safe when I am with him. I felt protected.

He can protect me from this evil world.

"Wanna have a shower with me?" I heard him speaks against my hair. The idea of showering with him is very tempting. Too tempting. We already had sex, what's more can he do to me in the bathroom?

I nodded my head against his chest and that's the answer he needs.

Without wasting a second, he stood up and hoisted me up against him. My legs wounded around his waist and his hands on the back of my thighs. He kissed me again while walking us to the bathroom. His erection was evident.

I didn't know water and soap can be so seductive until now. My usual bath time has been bored. This time round, having Daniel by my side during showering is by far the most pleasured bath time I have had. We had sex again.

When we were done showering, Daniel hands me the bath robe he has in his wardrobe. He intertwined our hands and walk us back to his bed. I wanted to tell him that I'll need to go back to my room. We cannot let anyone see us together like this.

"Stay with me. Don't go." He must have sensed my worries. I wanted to reject him. But I couldn't when he has this pleading eyes.

"Okay. But I'll have to leave early in the morning." I will need to go back to my room to wash up and change. I cannot be wearing the same clothes; that will be too suspicious.

He had this boyish smile after I had agreed to stay.

We slept while hugging each other.

This is my first time sleeping with a man. 

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