Chapter 17

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Daniel's POV

Today is the poster photoshoot for my new movie. The movie story is about time-travel. When the script was presented to me, it had perked my interest. Time-travel is not real, but many times, I wished I would have the ability to travel back into time. I wanted to travel back to take back something. Something that I couldn't have in the past.

Or rather, it was someone.

Melody is with me today. She seems restless when I first saw her at my house this morning. She came rushing into my house when she exited the lift. I thought someone had chased after her. But instead, she ran into the bathroom and vomited.

"Are you alright?" I helped her up from the toilet bowl.

"Yeah. Don't worry. Sorry." She rinsed her mouth and exited the bathroom.

"You sure? I can call Jared to take over." I was very concerned.

"No, no. I am fine. Really." She smiled weakly at me.

The photoshoot went really well. Director was very happy and the results were great. Now all we have to do is wait. Wait for the final touches of the post-production to be done and the movie can premier to the world. I was very excited.

We are now in the office. Melody needs to settle some work and I have a meeting with Wilson. I have been observing Melody for the whole day. She had vomited more than once. When I had asked her to have lunch with me, she rejected me. Saying she has been quite nauseous for the past week and has no appetite. She doesn't want to affect my lunch break. So, she distances herself from me.

I didn't like it though.

When I had entered Wilson's office, I see that he is reading a magazine. As I approach closer to him, I was shocked to see that he is holding a pregnancy magazine.

"Bro, why are you reading such magazine? Are you going to be a dad soon?" I asked in surprise. As far as I had known, Wilson is single and still very available.

"Nah., my mum would be over the moon if I told her that. Nope, not happening." He laughed and place the magazine down on his table.

"My friend is investing into these sorts of magazines and he wants to seek my opinion. To see if this is worth investing. These magazines are very popular and in demand. Their sales figures are high." He continued.

I took over the magazine and flipped a few pages. One of the articles are mentioning about the symptoms of pregnancy. It says nausea and vomiting, fatigue, breast changes, frequent urination, food cravings and a lot more.

Suddenly, as if strike by lighting, a thought came through my mind. A few boxes were ticked. I think I will be the one who is over the moon if it was real.

I couldn't stop smiling.

Melody's POV

I have been feeling sick for the past one week. I think it was the rotten sushi that I have eaten. Sydney had asked me to apply for sick leave. But I couldn't. There are tons of work to do and I had just joined this company. I needed this job.

I have endured for the past week and I am getting better. The vomiting frequency has lessened and I don't feel so tired anymore. My appetite is slowing getting back. I will be fine.

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