Chapter 25

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Daniel's POV

I am scared. Very scared.

I have never been so afraid in my life before.

I am very scared of losing Melody. I don't think I can endure the pain if she is not with me. I cannot lose her again.

I cannot allow that to happen. I will do anything I can to have Melody by my side.

When I thought Melody was the one that involved in the car accident. I couldn't think of anything else. All I wanted to do is to be by her side. I will not accept the truth until I see it in my own eyes. I refused to accept anything else.

I dashed out of Wilson's office and went straight for the lift after what Alexis had said. For once I blamed Wilson. Blame him for setting his office at such a high floor. I couldn't wait for the tortoise lift to reach and so, I went for the stairwell. All the adrenaline was rushing through me and I forced my legs to run down as fast as I could. Taking three stairs at a time. In the meantime, I kept calling her. I wanted her to answer the phone and tell me she is safe. 

I think I had reached the lobby in record time.

By the time I was out of the building, ambulance was already there. Paramedics were attending to whoever is lying on the floor. I stopped my tracks and took a deep breath. I didn't want my Melody to be the one lying there. I was afraid.

But I have to be brave for her. I need to be by her side. Even if she is dying, I need to see her and tell her I love her very much.

Before I can get closer to the accident scene, I spotted her. I saw my Melody standing in the crowd. I was relieved and angry at the same time. Relieved that she is still alive, she is not hurt. Relieved that I still have my chance of telling how much I've loved her.

After the accident, I have promised myself to make our relationship public. No matter how much she has disliked the idea, I will have to do it. I do not want to regret for not acknowledging her as my other half. Life is very fragile; anything can happen in a split second. You will not know what will happen the next day. Or even the next hour. I do not want to live in regrets. I have regrets before and I never ever wanted to experience it again. I want to treasure what I have now.

That's Melody.

In the event if I am not around anymore, she does not have to hide her status as my girlfriend. She can openly tell people who she is. People will not gossip about her or accuse her of anything she wasn't. I hate to say it, but this world is very cruel. If Melody was the one to announce that she is my girlfriend, people will start to accuse her. Saying all kinds of nasty things or berated her. People might say she is with me because of my wealth. But I know she wasn't. She wasn't interested in my money. If she is, she wouldn't have stop me for wanting to make our relationship public. Since we have been together, she didn't ask me for anything. Nothing!

All she wants is me by her side.

I'll have to find a suitable timing to announce to the world. I need to make our relationship public and Melody won't be able to stop me from doing it. I know she would be angry with me, but I do not care anymore. Eventually she will understand. I just want the world to know who I am loving.

I want the world to know that she belongs to me.

I wanted to protect her.

We are now in my private plane heading to Italy. Melody is sleeping besides me. Although she seems calmer compared to previous times, she still needs to take sleeping pills. Looking at her peaceful face, I felt my heart is going to burst of happiness. I am glad that she has given me a chance. A chance to make her happy and thankful that she allows me to be happy as well.

For this world tour, we would need to travel to a few countries. First stop is Europe, followed by Middle East, Asia. Last stop would be America. I have been to all these countries before. Previously is for my concert world tour. This time it was for my movie.

Other than Melody, Josephine and Nicole are travelling with us as well. Nicole is the stylist and Josephine is my make-up artist. This is not the first time we are working as a team. Both ladies are also with us during the London trip. I like working with them. They are very professional when it comes to work. But when work is done, they know how to have fun.

Melody suddenly stirred besides me. When I looked at her, I see that she is awake but with a blank expression. "Are you alright?" I asked.

She looked at me for a moment without saying a word. Slowly, her hand reached up and touch my cheek and a drop of tear ran down her face. I panicked. What is happening? Is it because of her nightmare?

"Nightmare again?" I hold her hand. I wanted to give her comfort.

Melody always has nightmares. As per my understanding, it happened quite frequently. I am not a light sleeper, but sometimes I would be woken up because of her screams. She has told me that the frequency of her nightmares has decreased after being with me. Somehow, I felt that she just wanted me to not worry so much.

This time, it felt different from the previous ones. I had a weird feeling.

She just wiped away her tears and shake her head. "Doesn't matter." She smiles ruefully. I wanted to ask what is her nightmare about, but seeing that we are up in the air. It doesn't seem like a good timing to stress her out. I pushed my questions aside and put my arms around her shoulders. There's nothing I can do now but to comfort her.

We are in my hotel room getting ready for the premiere. It will happen in an hour time. The location will be at a plaza across my hotel. It will be a red-carpet event. We will be walking along the red carpet, up a flight of stairs and then, proceed into the theatre. The outside of the theatre looks like a museum. I always had an interest in architectures. I liked buildings that holds stories. Stories of the person who designs and built it.

Melody is filming me getting ready. As usual, she is very professional when it comes to work. In fact, I think that she works even harder after we are a couple. I guess she wanted to show me that even when we are together now, it doesn't change her work attitude. I really appreciate that.

And I love her more for that.

I love her.

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