Chapter 33

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Melody's POV

"I love you."

These three powerful words had a big effect on me. I'd remember my parents last words to me were these three words. Before they board the ill-fated aeroplane that took them away from me. When my grandmother met with the accident and was lying on her death bed, she had said these three words to me too.

No one has any idea how much these three words meant to me. All the people that I'd loved were taken away from me. I feel that no one will say these three words to me ever again.

No one will love me again.

I feel that I am able to have hope again after hearing these three words from Daniel. I feel that there's still someone out there that will love me, cherish me. Most importantly, giving me hope to love and being loved again.

"I love you too." I said and wipe the tears on my face with the back of my hand.

Daniel uses his hand to cup my face in his before crashing his lips to mine. He gave me one passionate kiss. I opened my mouth to let his tongue have access to mine. I couldn't bear to be separate from him, so I push myself against him. My arms go over his shoulder and touch the back of his head with my hand. Soon, I was straddling him on the sofa.

He began to move his mouth along my jaw with open mouth kisses and slowly kissing down along my neck. He knew my neck was my weak spot and he nibble on it; kissing and sucking them. I was moaning against his ear. My hip was moving and I can feel his desire for me.

My dress was hiked up and his hands were moving them up against my thigh. Slowly and excruciatingly, one of his hands went behind my back while another move to my breast and start moulding it.

My desire for him was skyrocket high and I couldn't contain any longer. I placed my hands on his chest and push him back against the sofa. I stood up and turns around. "Unzip me."

Obediently, he moves his hands to my back and slowly, he pulls down the zip of my dress. He moves his hands to my buttocks and starts to mould them. I feel myself getting wetter.

I turned around and my eyes were fixed on him. I adjust myself and my dress was dropped to the carpeted floor. Then, I unclasp my bra and I saw his Adam apple moving. I felt powerful that I can cause this effect on him. After removing my bra, I begin to hook my panty using my thumb and at a very slow pace, I pushed my panty along my thigh and one by one, I lifted my legs up.

I hook my panty using my index finger and I went forward to straddle him again. I placed my undergarment on his chest and starts playing with his nipple. "I am so wet already." I whispered at his ear. I felt him tensing and soon, I was lifted up from him. He carries me towards the bathtub and he placed me slowly into it.

While the bubble water was covering me, Daniel stood outside the bathtub and he was giving me a show. A show that I felt my throat drying up by watching. He took his time removing his garment and when his underwear was lowered, his manhood was hard to ignore.

Soon, he joined me in the bathtub.

He was smiling at me when he lowered his face to mine. Before kissing me, he said the three words again "I love you."

I felt my tears rolling down my cheeks again. This time, he uses his thumb to wipe them away and, in the meantime, he inserts himself into me. "Ahh..." I began to moan.

As he keeps his momentum in thrusting me, he looks deeply into my eyes. The emotions he is giving me is too raw. He is relaying all the words he wanted to say through his eyes. I can feel it. It was the same emotions I want him to feel from me too.

Suddenly, I am afraid.

I am really scared that I will be too broken to get myself up if he was to leave me one day. I wanted to keep him with me as long as possible. I am happy with him. He makes me feel wanted and loved. I do not want any other person to claim me like he is doing now.

Will he be by my side till forever?

Is there even forever?

"Open your eyes." Daniel commanded.

I didn't realise my eyes were closed until he speaks. "Look at me." He continued.

Gripping his upper arms with my hands, I looked back at him. "Daniel..." I moaned; I was on the blink already and I can feel my walls clenching his manhood.

He moves his fingers to my clit and starts massaging. "Arghh..." I can't take it any longer, the sensation is too overwhelming. Both emotionally and physically. I went to grip his forearm to stop him, but it was to no avail. In return, he holds my wrists and put my hands on the edge of the bathtub.

After a few more hard thrusts, I was shaking and screaming his name. My walls clenching tight, squeezing him. The water in the bathtub was splashing out onto the floor.

"Fuck." He cursed and he was gripping me tightly. He came; spilling his sperms inside of me after a throaty grunt. It was so sexy. He collapsed onto me, hugging me in his embrace and kissed my forehead.

"I have to thank Jacob for this." Daniel speaks as his forehead is touching mine.

"This bathtub was a terrific idea." He continued and I nodded my head in return.

He removed himself from me and sits beside me. We were both naked, sitting inside the bathtub and looking at the city lights in front of us.

"Thank you." He commented and turned his head to look at me.

I returned his gaze and smile. "Thank you for the bracelet and thank you for being with me." He says and put his arm across my shoulder.

In this moment of bliss, I promised myself to fight for him, fight for my very own happiness. I will fight as long he is by my side. I am not going to regret taking up this chance to be with him even if I were to be shattered into million pieces.

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