Chapter 4

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Melody's POV

Jared is a busy man. His phone rings non-stop. He is always on the phone talking to production companies, if not pacifying the artistes that are throwing tantrums.

As his assistant, I am not much better. Since having the company phone, my phone rings quite frequent too. They will approach me when they cannot reach Jared. My contact list keeps getting longer and longer.

But I am not one to complain. I had a purpose and I am starting to see the end of the tunnel soon.

For the past few days, I have been 'keeping tab' on Daniel. I have to make sure he is well prepared for the perfume advertisement shoot that will happen today. This is my first project and I have to make sure everything goes as planned.

Right now, I am standing in the kitchen making his coffee.

Jared told me Daniel is a coffee person, just like me. I'll have headache if I didn't have my caffeine intake in the morning. Daniel's kitchen is very professional, he has those high-end appliances and they are all spotless. I wonder if he uses them.

Prior to preparing his coffee, I had found Daniel in his gym room this morning when I'd arrived. Again, he was topless. His sculptured body was a sight to see. I had to restrain myself from drooling at his abs. Which was a difficult task since I first saw his body on Monday.

"You are early." I turned around when I heard him speaks behind me.

He opened the refrigerator to get a bottle of ice water. He glanced at me and raised his brow.

I cleared my throat. "Your coffee is ready." I say and placed his coffee cup on the kitchen island.

"Go buy tea." He replied and starts to walk away.

"Huh?? Jared told me to prepare coffee." I start to follow him.

"You heard me. I want the Chamomile tea from the café two blocks down the road." He suddenly turns around and I nearly bump into him. He is very tall; just like how I remembered him to be. I looked down at my feet and felt like a dwarf.

When I'd looked up, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Your Chamomile tea." I was catching my breath when I say to Daniel after arriving back at his house from the café. The café was extremely busy on a weekday morning.

"Let's go, we are running late." He said. He was all dressed up in a black t-shirt and jeans.

We begin to take the lift to the basement carpark. I don't dare to look up at him but I do know that he is staring at me when I had glanced at the lift door. The reflection I see from the lift door tells me that he wanted to say something, but is holding back.

When we reached the carpark, he begins walking towards a red Ferrari sportscar.

"Our car is this way." I say to him. The company car I was driving is actually big. There are two comfortable leather seats in the middle. At the back, it's like a mini wardrobe. You can find different kinds of clothes in there. From causal to smart; you name it, the car has it.

"I do not want to be late. My car is faster." He unlocks his car and proceed to slid in the driver side.

I was about to reach his car when suddenly I was blinded by his car headlight. Before I can do anything, his car sped off. I looked in shocked until I cannot see the red anymore.

"I am from Media Management" I say quickly to the young kiddo standing at the entrance holding a clipboard. When Daniel's car disappeared before me, I went to my car immediately and drove as fast as I could to the ad shoot location. It was in a studio about 30mins away from Daniel's house. Lucky the traffic was smooth.

"Inside." The young kiddo says and point his clipboard to the door beside him. I entered without a second thought.

The studio is big. There are some flower arrangements in the middle of the room. I suppose that's where all the action will be later during shooting. At the far corner, it is the make-up area and there I spotted him.

I placed his Chamomile tea on the table in front of him. He is looking at the mirror with his eyes directed at me. "You are late." He speaks.

"I drove as fast as I could." He raised his brow at me and I apologised. I really did arrive later than him. According to Jared, we have to reach earlier or at the same time with our artist.

"I need my coffee. Go get a soy flat white." He said. "Go get drinks for the staffs here too." He continued.

I was speechless. Didn't he want tea just now? I was confused. "But your tea..." I stammered.

He looked at his make-up artist and commented something along the line of 'I don't drink tea'.

Did I do something wrong that pisses him off this morning? I questioned myself when I was walking back to the studio carrying tons of drinks. He was a coffee person, right? He did ask me to buy tea, right?

The kiddo at the door was nowhere to be seen. I am struggling to open the door to the studio with my hands full of drinks when I heard someone says 'Let me' beside me. Before I can contemplate who said that, the studio door was open. I looked up and saw Roddrick. He is also an artist from our company. But I doubt he knows me when I had only worked for four days.

"Thank you." I said to him. He is a young and an aspiring actor. Wilson had asked Jared to scout him and he is starting on some small-scale project at the moment. Natalie is his manager.

"You are welcome, let me help you carry all these." He smiled and started to take some drinks from me. He is just a gentleman.

"What took you so long?" I heard Daniel speaks when I had reached the make-up area.

I ignored him and placed the drinks on the empty table at the corner. I thanked Roddrick in the meantime. "What's your name?" He asked when he followed me to place the drinks on the table.

"Melody, I am Jared's new assistant. Thank you for your help." I replied. "No worries beautiful. I'll see you soon." He looked straight into my eyes and then walked off. I couldn't think straight after what I have just heard. Did he just call me beautiful?

I took out the soy flat white and placed it in front of Daniel. He looked angry. What did I do again??

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