Chapter 9

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Melody's POV

Daniel has caught me by surprise. I thought I would have to spend the rest of the day in my room watching some soap drama. I guess you can't really take a break when you are still on a work trip.

The stylist has left me one beautiful wrap dress. She says she had bought the wrong size and it makes her breasts looked small. In her words, that does not help in her hunt for some James Bond lookalike Englishman. So, she passed it to me and ask me not to waste it. The sleeve is short and the highlight of the dress is the high slit on my left leg. I think I look decent in it. Although I am still working, but no harm in looking nice once in a while.

I tied my hair in a high ponytail and went out of the bathroom. I spotted Daniel on my bed looking down on his phone.

"Sorry for waiting, we can leave now." I announced.

He looked up and I saw adoration on his expression. I do not want to interpret much to it. So, I proceed to grab my purse and started towards the door.

"Melody." I heard him called softly behind me. When I turned around to face him, he caught me in his arm and he hugged me. He held me tightly in his embrace. I have never been hugged by a man before except for my dad. I was shocked to say the least but the feeling was comfortable. I do not want to pull away, so I hugged him back.

After what feels like hours later, he pulls away from me and looked into my eyes. I cannot figure out the emotions he is showing me. I felt like he has tons of questions to ask. I have tons to questions to ask him too. Do I ask now?

"This rose is for you." He handled me the rose he is still holding.

"Thank you. It's pretty." I smelled the rose. "Are you alright?" I looked into his eyes and asked.

He just shakes his head and proceed to open the door.

"After you, mademoiselle." He gave me one smile that could melt me into a puddle of water.

"Are you serious?" I whispered while looking at the train that will be taking us to France.

I tried to not raise my voice. Daniel is very recognisable and he has been wearing a pair of big ass sunglass and a baseball cap.

"Why are we heading to Paris?" I asked him.

"I need to get to some places over there. You as my manager has to follow me."

"Come on, the train is leaving soon." He continued and started to board the high-speed train.

I joined him quickly and he led me to the first cabin of the train. I do not see other passengers in this cabin.

"I hope you do not have Siderodromophobia."

"No. I do not have." I answered. "I like taking trains."

"Have you been to Paris before?" He asked.

"Nope. But Eiffel Tower has been on my bucket list for a very long time." I smiled and looked outside the window. The train had started moving and I was actually very excited and thankful that I have gotten this job.

I may have phobia taking aeroplane, and I know my job requires me to travel very frequently. But the man besides me is the reason why I am willing to take the risk.

After the two hours plus train ride, we had arrived at Paris. Daniel brings me to an authentic French restaurant for lunch. Too bad we couldn't sit outdoor but being here with him makes up for it. We were seated in a VIP room and the French cuisine looks fabulous and too pretty to be eaten.

"Dessert?" He asks me.

We are now walking along Seine River. I wished I had the chance to take the river cruise. But the method of running away if someone spotted Daniel is too risky. We can run away as soon as someone spotted him on the road. But we cannot jump into the river on the cruise. That will definitely cause a scene.

"Sounds great! Macarons?" I smiled up at him.

He pulled my hand and we walked to the nearest dessert store. I have to admit the French people knows how to make people fat. Look at the amount of sugar in this shop. They all looked too pretty to be consumed.

We bought a box of macarons and walked out of the shop. It was a nice afternoon and walking around Paris has been a great experience so far.

Daniel bought me to a park and we sat at a corner with a big tree blocking us from the public view. When I sat down and look ahead. I was frozen on the spot. I can finally check off one of my bucket lists.

"Sorry, we can't go up there. Too many tourists on top." He apologised.

I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "There will always be next time. Eiffel Tower won't run away."

"Thank you." I say again and covered his hand with mine.

We stayed at the spot, eating our macarons and having small talk. It was nice, fantastic even.

When evening approached, the tower lights and beacon are lit up. The Eiffel Tower is adorned with its golden covering and sparkles. This scene will always imprint in my memory for a long long time.

"Do you like it?" He asked me.

"I love it. I loved everything." I looked into his eyes and said it with sincerity. I hoped he can see what I wanted to tell him. What I had wanted him to know.

Upon hearing what I had answered, he leans forward and capture my mouth with his.

"Did you just kiss me?" I asked in astonishment.

"Nope. It's a peck." He looks away and I swear I saw him blushing.

We went back to London after that. This has to be one of my happiest day till date.

Date? Wait!! Is this a date??

I had forgotten to ask him where exactly he has to be.

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