Chapter 21

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Melody's POV

I am waiting anxiously in my living room. My television was switched on, but I have no idea what's the program is. I had wanted to keep our relationship a secret. Not because I was ashamed of Daniel; I would never in a million years be ashamed of him. It was because if no one were to know our relationship and one day if Daniel had decided to leave me, no one would know and thus there's nothing for people to gossip about. He will be safe from all the gossiping. His reputation would be clean.

I had prayed to God that I can still stay by his side for as long as possible. But if one day my secrets were out of the bag, I wouldn't expect him to want me anymore. I am too broken for him to pick up the pieces.

I am in a dilemma. Should I show him my ugly scars now? Or should I enjoy a moment of bliss before I let the cat out of the bag? I wanted my happiness too. What should I do? My feelings for him are already in too deep.

While I am still in deep thoughts, the doorbell rang. It was 8.59pm. Daniel is always a punctual person. I guess in this industry, time really is money. People will not think twice to cancel on you if you are late.

"Hey." I opened the door and smile brightly at him. Daniel is wearing a white button-up shirt with sleeves rolled up to his forearm. He looks devilish handsome. He looked at me for a moment without saying a word.

"Do I look okay? Should I go change?" Am I overdressed? I am wearing a white long dress with a sweetheart neckline. I'd let my long hair down. I had come to realise that Daniel likes my long hair. Subconsciously, he will touch and play with my hair sometimes.

"Hi beautiful." He finally speaks and came forward to kiss my lips. "Not necessary, you are prefect." He beams at me. My heart had just skipped a beat.

"Ready?" He asked and began to intertwine our hands together.

"Yes." I quickly grab my purse and locked the door.

"For you." He had given me a bouquet of roses.

"Thank you. It's lovely."

He had guided me to a black Audi. I had never seen this car in his garage before. "Is this your car?" I questioned. I'd know that most paparazzi recognised his cars and will follow him around if they had spotted his car on the road. I do not want to risk getting exposed when he decided to bring me out on a date tonight.

"Yes. I've just gotten it this afternoon." He opened the passenger side door for me. I was surprised at this information.

"To celebrate my new movie and album." He continued after getting in the car as well. He leans forward and kiss my cheek. "I had missed you." He whispered at my ear and I laughed.

"We are separated for only a few hours." I had missed him too. We have been together for almost twenty-four seven for the past week. It was a torture for me too. "I have missed you too." I said it and kiss his cheek.

"Where are we going?" I had asked. Daniel has been driving for almost an hour now.

"Surprise!" He glanced at me and winked. "We are reaching soon." He continued and return his view towards the front.

It was dark outside; I didn't know where we are heading since I am still new to this town. I guess it was time to do some exploration when I am free.

Soon, Daniel decreased the speed and slowly the car came to a stop. He rounds his car and came to open the car door for me. When I had stepped out, I was surprised that we were at the entrance of an amusement park. "Why are we here?" I looked in awe at the fairy lights that was hanging. It was so pretty, so magical.

Daniel stood beside me and holds my hand. He brings it up to his lips and kiss. "Let's have fun tonight. Shall we?" He asked and I nodded my head. I didn't expect Daniel to bring me to an amusement park. I had always wanted to visit one, but never had I have the chance.

My parents were gone when I was very young. My grandmother took care of me afterwards. We were not wealthy therefore I didn't have the luxury of going to an amusement park. Plus, my grandmother had to work to put food on the table. She didn't have the time to bring me there too. So, a visit to an amusement park has been on my bucket list for a very long time.

"Shouldn't you be in disguise or something?" Although it was night time, there are still risk of people catching us together. I cannot risk that.

"Only both of us. One staff will be around to operate the machines." Only then had I realised that indeed there aren't people around us.

"You booked the whole place?" I asked in astonishment and he nodded his head. I cannot believe he had booked the whole park. "Why would you do that?"

"I wanted to bring you out. I felt like you are sacrificing for me and I don't want it. I want us to have memorable dates that you won't forget." He looks at me and I felt the genuineness when he had said those words. I wanted something both of us can looked back and smiled. Or rather, I wanted something I can reminiscing about if he were to leave me one day after discovering my deep secrets.

Most of all, I wanted happy memories of him in my heart. Something I can remember him of.

"Thank you." I hugged him. I am really thankful that I had met him. I hope he does too.

It was exhilarating, being out in the open with Daniel. We were having lots of fun. First stop was the roller coaster. I had seen videos of those getting stuck and people were hanging in mid-air. I was too afraid to sit on it. I do not wish to end my night hanging mid-air with Daniel by my side. It will be on the headline tomorrow. But Daniel is very persuasive. In the end, we went for round two of the ride.

We had played a few more rides and now, we were up on the ferries wheel.

"How did you know that I have wanted to come to an amusement park for the longest time?" I had asked Daniel. I do not remember telling him what were on my bucket list.

"You told me before that you didn't have the chance when you were young."

"Did I?" I was surprised myself. When did I mentioned to him?

He stared at me and before he can comment further on this topic, a deafening bang reached our ears. I looked out and saw fireworks exploded and scattered thousands of tiny sparks into the sky. I gasped in awe.

"Did you like it?" He asked. He came to sit by my side.

"Don't tell me you had arranged these?" I asked while still admiring the beautiful sparks.

"As long you are happy, it's all worth it." He wrapped me in his arms and tears starts to gather at my eyes.

"Yes, I am happy. Very." I kissed him. I wanted to show him that I meant what I say.

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