Chapter 18

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Daniel's POV

I was sad, disappointed. Frustrated even. How can she not be pregnant? She is having all those pregnancy symptoms. That's what the magazine and Google says. Google is your best friend, right? It won't lie.

But I guess I'll have to wait. I couldn't wait to become a dad. I love children. I wanted a big family. I am the youngest and although I fought with my siblings when we were growing up, we still have each other backs when anything happens. Once, my brother and I punched the boy who had tripped my sister. She broke her tooth and had cried for days. My brother and I teamed up and ambushed him. We were in detention class after that, but we were happy that we had avenged for our dear sister.

Melody recovered after three days. Her vomiting stopped and her dizziness was gone too. I had read up; sudden loss of blood is one of anemia symptoms. Her appetite came back as well. She starts eating normally. Lastly, I do not see why she had lied to me. There's no reason to. Even if she had lied, I would have known after a few months, correct? I guess I will have to work harder if I want to be a dad, and I want the mother of my children to be her.

Today is the screening day. This is the day where the directors, producers, movie investors and actors gathered around to see the final product. It will be a private event; no media will be around. After this final screening, we will then release all the teasers to the media. After that will be the D-day – the premiere.

We are at one of the production studios. The setting is kind of like a movie theatre. Just that there were fewer seats compared to the actual cinema. Lights are dimmed and we are focusing on the big screen.

The directors and actors are usually quite stressed during these screenings. We'll need to show the investors that their money was well spent. We need them to be satisfied with the final product. Luckily, we are able to do that. Who wouldn't be when the world-renowned person is directing this movie. This movie budget is huge because of the thrust the investors have for Nolan, our director.

"Great job, Daniel. I was very impressed. We should send in our nomination name list for this year film award." Christopher said. He is one of the main investors.

"I am just doing what I am supposed to do. I am glad that we could work together this time." I replied sincerely. I am very honoured to be working alongside with these talented people. When you had enjoyed what you are doing every day, you do not feel like it is a job.

"You are very humble, Daniel." Christopher padded my back. "Now, shall we go for dinner? I had booked a place at the restaurant downtown." He added.

He had made reservations for all of us at a famous Italian restaurant. It was a famous place where you would need to book at least one month in advance for a normal table. Christopher had booked the whole restaurant.

Jared and Melody are with me at the restaurant. But I am in a VIP room where both of them were seated outside with the rest of the production crew members. My dinner companions were the investors, producers, director and the rest of the actors. Dinner was great, wine was served free flow. I had a few glasses. I hope Melody had controlled herself.

"Shall we go to the new club? I know the boss." Jeffery said. He is another investor. We had to go along although I do not like going to noisy places. Everyone is going, you cannot be the odd one out. Sometimes, some opportunities came to us at such events.

We'll just stay for a while and then we'll excuse ourselves.

Melody's POV.

I do not like clubs, pubs or whatever you call it. You have to shout as no one can hear you through the loud music. Your throat will be so sore after the night. The lights make me dizzy and you can't see clearly. Lights are so dimmed. On normal days, I already have problems walking. And worst of all, it was the whole smoky place. I wouldn't want me to die due to inhaling of second-hand smoke. Why would I be punished when I am not the one smoking. This is unfair.

But I would have to endure it. I am still working and I know that Daniel doesn't like noisy places too. So, once he is uncomfortable enough to leave, I will be out of here too. Jared had left us after the dinner. He says I can handle Daniel alone.

We are one hour in; everyone is getting high. Drinks were served free flow, most of them were dancing. I am sitting at one of the high chairs looking at the dance floor. I am getting bored soon. I didn't drink much. I am still holding my first beer on my hands. Only half of the yellow liquid was gone. Daniel had specifically asked me not to drink. His reason being I will need to drive him back home. So here I am looking very sober of all these people surrounding me.

Daniel is inside the VIP room at the corner. I have been looking at the door to make sure I wouldn't miss him if he comes out of the room. I was about to head to the toilet to pee when I spotted him. He is searching for me.

I approach him quickly. He looks tipsy. "Shall we head back home?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I told them I am leaving. Saying I have an early job tomorrow morning." He lied. He doesn't have a job scheduled tomorrow.

"Okay, let's go." We walked side by side. We said our byes to our working partners along the way to the entrance.

Daniel seems tired. He seems tipsy but doesn't look drunk. I know that the VIP room had ordered tons of hard liquor. Daniel must have drank a lot. I drove us back to his house and due to late night, the traffic was smooth.

Once the car reached the basement carpark of Daniel's apartment, I had to wake him up. He is sleeping already. I cannot let him sleep in the car. That would be too dangerous.

He looks sober enough to walk by himself but I still had his arms draped across my shoulder. Just in case he falls and landed himself face down. He cannot injure his face.

We walked slowly into his bedroom. For once, I was glad that I do not need to search for keys to enter his house. I placed him on his bed and removed his jacket and shoes. I wanted to go to the bathroom to take a wet towel when he grabs hold of my wrist.

"Stay with me." He pulls me down to him. 

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