Chapter 42

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*This chapter contains descriptions of suicide*

Melody's POV

We sat at the balcony for some time. Both of us were lost in our own thoughts.

Our peace was interrupted when Jo came in. When she saw us, she raises her brows in question and I nodded at her. Without saying a word, she understands that I had let the cat out of the bag. I have told Daniel all that I have to tell.

For the next few days, I had stayed in my room. The physiotherapist would come in the room to have some sessions with me. My chest wound is healing well and I was able to discharge after two weeks; I would still need to have ample rest. I couldn't do strenuous exercise and doctors had recommended me not to travel for at least six months.

Daniel brought me back to a house his parents own. It was a family holiday home at the countryside. There was a butler and a few helpers tidying the house and attending to our needs. It was well furnished with all the necessity available. There's a swimming pool and a tennis court.

I had stayed in my room most of the time and only went out for my meals. Daniel hasn't talk much to me after I had told him my secrets. Every day, he would ask me how I was feeling and if my wound had caused me any pain. He would bring me my medications and will join me during meal times.

During the day, he would stay in the study room and he would only come into the room when it was sleeping time. He would still sleep beside me, but he wouldn't touch me. Not even a hug.

A week had passed and currently I am wide awake on my bed. The lights outside of the windows tells me that it was dawn and Daniel is still sleeping soundly besides me. He looked so peaceful.

For the past few days, I have been thinking. All the painful memories came back to me; I had a hard time accepting. For so many years, I have no recollections of what had happened to me for that few months.

I am thinking if I had made the right choice by getting to Daniel after so many years. Did I do the right thing by telling him my secrets? I didn't give him a choice if he wants to know what had happened to me. What will he think of me now? I do not want to be a liability to him. He doesn't need to take care of me anymore.

Mostly, am I allowed to be with him? I am unworthy to be with him. I was ruined and broken beyond pieces. He loves children and wants to have a big family; I wasn't able to give him that. He needs a complete girl that could share the joy and happiness with him.

I am not that girl.

Taking a last look at Daniel, I got out of bed and took my clutches with me. Slowly without making any sound, I went out of the bedroom. I walked around the whole house; it was a very pretty house. Daniel's mum must have been the one designing it. It was very homely.

How I wished I had grown up in such a homely place.

I went to the backyard and spotted the swimming pool. It was a huge pool and very well maintained. There were lounges at the side of the pool. I walked around the circumference; the view from the swimming pool was gorgeous. I sat down on the edge of the pool with my legs dangling in the water. Clutches by my side, I look at the sunrise.

The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. It was beautiful. Too beautiful and how I wished I could see this together with Daniel.

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