Chapter 20

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Daniel's POV

The past week has been a bliss. Melody and I were spending time every day. Both at work and at home. She would follow me to my recording and will stay with me until I was done for the day. Then, we will go back to my house. We would have dinner together. I'll cook for her. Sometimes she would join me and will become my sous chef. After dinner, we would watch Netflix until late night.

At the beginning, she would insist on returning back to her house. Saying she doesn't want anyone to catch on her staying overnight at my place. I didn't like it; I want to hug her to sleep and wake up with her by my side every morning. She had threatened me not to come to my house anymore when I had called her reason as bullshit. So, I have no choice but to agree.

But after three days, I couldn't take it any longer. So, I came up with a plan.

Since she can't stay at my house, I would go over to hers.

We would still return back to my house after the recording ended. Then, from my house, she would drive us back to her apartment. We would spend the entire night together. The windows of her car were all tinted. From the outside, nobody will be able to see who's inside.

I had wanted to inform Wilson and Jared that we are in a relationship now. But Melody had thought otherwise. She wanted to wait for the right moment to share our happiness. I have no idea what is she thinking about. But if she is so insistence, I would respect her.

I had dreamt of this, of her in the past. Now I have her in my arms, I am not letting her go anymore.

Now, we were watching a movie in her living room. I was in a sitting position and her head was on my lap. Her beautiful body lying on the sofa. She was wearing my shirt with nothing underneath. So sexy! I had made love to her at this sofa moments ago. The curtains on her windows have been permanently drawn closed every day. In her words, people might see through her tiny window.

My fingers were like a hairbrush, combing her silky long soft hair. Although I am contented by having her by my side every single day, and she didn't complain to me that our dates were always in the house. Our time were spent either at mine or her house. I felt like she is sacrificing her freedom to date in the open because of who I am.

I wanted to do something for her.

"Tomorrow is the last recording session. Let's celebrate after that?" I asked her.

"Okay. I'll check with Jared if he is free tomorrow night." She begins to sit up and reach over her phone at the coffee table.

I stopped her by pushing her back on my lap. "Nope, only the two of us." I looked down at her and smiled.

"Oh... Okay. I'll cook for you?" She replied smiling up at me.

This option is very tempting.

"Sounds great, but nope. I want to bring you somewhere." I kissed her lips.

"Are you sure? I can cook your favourite food and we could make love after that." She paused for a while before continuing. "In the kitchen." She winked at me.

Okay, that was indeed too tempting to reject her. Have sex in the kitchen? I have been thinking of that since I was in her house the first time.

"Not working. Dress up for our date tomorrow." I winked and leaned down to capture her lips with mine.

I do not need to wait for next time. I'd carried her to her kitchen and made love to her again.

The recording session was going smoothly. We were right on the scheduled timeline. As usual Melody is with me since this morning. It has been our routine; us waking up together in her bed. Morning sex is a must. It was my energy dose to start the day. I couldn't get enough of her. She will then drive us back to my house before we finally head over to the recording studio.

It was late afternoon when we bid goodbye to the studio staffs and currently, we were in Melody's car where she is driving us back to my house. I had been on my phone liaising for our date tonight when I have the free time. I want my date night to be prefect for Melody and memorable. I want to compensate her for the time that I couldn't bring her out in the open. I had promised myself that I will do that soon. I have no intention of hiding her in the dark. It will be too unfair to her. I couldn't do that to her.

"What time do you want me to fetch you?" She asked while I am getting out of the car. I had told her to go back home straight and prepare for our date.

"I will come fetch you at 9pm. Remember to eat your dinner."

"What!? You can't drive your red Ferrari to my neighbourhood. People will notice it's you." I can see that she is starting to panic.

"Don't worry. Just go back home and rest and be ready by 9pm." I went around the driver side and open her door. I kiss her on her lips and winked before taking the lift.

I cannot wait for our first real date to begin.

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