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I started walking upstairs to my room. I must be dreaming right now. The elevator lady from earlier is my new driver now? I sincerely don't know how that makes me feel. Should I be happy about that? I mean I am happy of course that I got to see her again and being my driver will bring us close but come on I don't want a driver plus she will be restricting my movements.

"Dinner will be served soon" I can hear the chief chef saying.

I never expected to meet my dad and Richie at home. I mean they don't stay home on weekends. Why are they here? I have been hiding my face all day and now I need to wear this mask at home too just so they don't get to see me.

I got to my room and shut the door. I undressed quickly and got into the bathtub when my mind flashed back to the elevator scene. Her soft hand and her beautiful eyes on me. Why didn't she say yes when my dad asked whether we have met before?

I mean it's because she didn't say anything that made me say no. Does she not recognize me? Speaking of recognition, why do I feel I have seen that face before? But where? I let out a sigh and continued bathing.

After some minutes I was done. The food is also ready. I asked Mrs. Ree on the phone if she can bring my food upstairs but she said my dad wants us to eat together. I let out a sigh and fell on the bed. My nose and lips are still red and a bit swollen. I don't want them to see it. There is no way I can wear the nose mask to eat. I decided to skip meal because of that but....

"Becky your dad wants you downstairs. No skipping of meal under his watch, remember?" Mrs. Ree said as she keeps knocking on my door.

That's typically my dad. You can't skip a meal whenever he's around. I said okay and she left. I took my nose mask and got out of the room.

The elevator lady is still here? I think she just finished with Richie and is ready to go now. I stood halfway at the stairs watching them. She's so beautiful and exactly the type of girl I want. Maybe having her as a driver is not so bad.

"Again we are sorry that this may be sudden for you but understand that we need a driver for her as soon as possible" Richie continued as they both stood up.

"I completely understand" she answered.

"Join us for dinner Miss Sarocha" my dad said.

I quickly looked at him. Not that it's bad though but please not today. The lady smiled and shook her head. I was carried away by her beautiful gummy smiles for a second. Why am I feeling this way?

"Maybe some other time" she said.

"Do you plan to continue standing there Becky? Miss Sarocha is leaving already. Come say goodbye" my dad said.

Oh he saw me? The beautiful woman instantly looked up to see me on the stairs. Our eyes met and that made my heart to flutter. I quickly looked down. I keep shying away from her gaze and it's so strange. Never happened to me before. I gently walked down to meet them.

"I can't believe you're still putting on this creepy mask" Richie said in frustration.

I tried my best to ignore him. Why does he have a problem with me putting on a nose mask? Even if I should take it off, not infront of this lady.


After the elevator girl went upstairs, the brother and I went out to the garden. We were strolling round the garden as he coaches me on what my main job is. Turns out the reason they want a driver for her is to restrict her movements. Well, I shouldn't care less about that since it's not my problem. I am one step into my plan. She can go anywhere she wants. I am not here to babysit.

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