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We continued riding in silence. I'm glad she doesn't have plans this evening at least I can have the date with whoever Heng hooked me up with. I have so many things in my head right now. How to get hold of the important documents, and how to understand what it is exactly that I feel for Miss Armstrong. Why am I being so soft with her?

She got out of the car and I drove straight to the garage. It is still 1 o'clock in the afternoon and since she has cancelled her schedule for today maybe I should go home. I was about getting off the car when my eyes landed on the file. The one she got from her dad's office.

I opened it and started going through it. It's the origin and secret of their family business. I can't believe I have such an important document with me. Miss Armstrong will definitely look for it and can only suspect me so I decided to take pictures of it instead. I took pictures of each page and forwarded to Saints.

"Well done Freen. We are still hoping for the other document. Losing this court case will be the beginning of his downfall" he said.

I ended the call after talking with him and got out of the car. I took the file upstairs to her room but after knocking severally without her opening the door, I decided to leave it with Mrs. Ree since she is the most trusted house help of all.

I stormed out of the house to where my car is parked. I didn't meet Heng at home so I went straight to my room. I spread myself on the bed to have a little rest but ended up dozing off.

I don't know how long I slept but it was already dark outside when I woke up and I also have a lot of missed calls from Heng.

"Shit!!" I exclaimed when I saw what time it is.

I rushed to the bathroom to freshen up and got dressed into a nice outfit after that. Heng already texted the location so I drove straight to the place.

"Welcome Miss Sarocha" the worker greeted and I only nodded.

"Follow me please. Mr. Kamnan has been expecting you" she continued.

I followed her to a more private area to meet with the man. He's younger, much younger than I thought making me wonder why such a good looking young man would go for a blind date. He stood up when he saw me and stretched his hand for a handshake.

"Hello Miss Sarocha"

"Hello Mr. Kamnan. I am sorry for keeping you waiting" I apologized and took his hand.

"You're here now that's all that matters" he said smiling from ear to ear.

He's handsome, tall, and cute but why did he pay such amount of money just to hang out with me? I smiled back at him and sat down. We started talking about a lot of things while waiting for our orders. To be honest I find him quite interesting and I became relaxed with him.

"I like you Miss Sarocha." He said sipping his wine and I let out a smile.

"You're smart, full of confidence and positive. Above them all, you're so beautiful Miss Sarocha" he continued.

Why does he smile like that? And that compliment? What was that? He was saying other things I didn't pay attention to because my mind was occupied with the thoughts of Miss Armstrong. Does she see me like this as well? She was flirty this morning does it mean she likes me or was it just her usual naughty behavior?

"I would like us to continue seeing each other if that's okay." He said bringing my mind back to him.

I smiled at him awkwardly and looked towards the entrance door.

What the hell? What is Miss Armstrong doing here? I thought she said she had no plan this evening? Seems she has plans afterall? Why then did she lie to me? I got slightly annoyed that she lied to me. She's not alone. She's with her friend Irin and one other girl who is clinging around her.

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