Forty Five

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I have been walking around the garden for over an hour trying to find my inner peace. I am so sad and my heart aches a lot. The news about the case has spread all over the country that even people here are talking about it. Some say terrible things about my dad while some talk about my family being evil and because they have no idea who I am they talk and laugh about it right infront of me.

The court judgment says that Professor Lin Chankimha is discharged and acquitted. He will also be compensated with a huge amount of money to cover up for the years he spent in jail. Plus his property which my dad owned by illegal means would be given back. Not just his property, but every other person whose property was forcefully taken from by my dad. 

My dad on the other hand was charged to pay a fine through the intercession of Freen's lawyer or face 14 years in jail. I am glad that the barrister was able to convince the court to give the option of fine and not an outright conviction. Even though the fine is a huge amount of money and paying such amount of money will mean selling half of his private properties, it is still better than going to jail.

I am breaking down. I thought coming here would give me peace but I was wrong. Should I regret ever doing this? I am feeling so bad right now. I requested for a vodka and started drinking from the bottle as I walk around the garden.

"How long do you wish to continue walking? You will get cramps. It won't be good to have cramps and hangovers in the morning" a familiar voice spoke behind me and I quickly turned.

I ran to her and hugged her tightly. I started sobbing while she strokes my back. How was she able to guess that I am here? I closed my eyes while inhaling her smell. I just realized that having her around me is the peace I crave for.

"It's okay baby. Everything will be fine" Freen said and strokes my hair.

She took my cheeks in her hands and started drying my tears. Freen looks like she came from the court straight to this place because she hasn't had a change of cloth or shoes or any other thing.

"How did you find me?" I asked weakly and she chuckled.

"There is no other place I thought you could come than this place" she said smiling and brushing my cheeks.

"Becky I was so worried about you. I panicked a lot when you were not picking your calls. Don't do that again, okay?" she said.

I smiled and nodded like a child. She kissed me and hugged me again.

"I am famished and I know you are hungry too. Come let's grab some food over there" Freen said and interlock our fingers as we walked to the restaurant.

We sat facing each other and after a while our dishes were served and we started eating. Freen was indeed famished because she was focused on her food. We were enjoying the food, well, until..

"Mr. Armstrong should disown that daughter of hers. She's an ungrateful kid" I can hear someone at a table closeby saying.

Freen stopped eating instantly and looked at me. I know she's so worried about me but it's fine. This is one of the many hateful comments I have heard so far.

"A good kid to the society but a bad one to her family. Who reveals such family secret to outsiders not to talk of doing that in court..." Another said.

"Cut the kid some slack. She's brave and courageous to do such. Putting the truth first before her family. She's a national hero" one said. While some supported him, others countered it.

I did my best to ignore and not flame up. If only they knew how bad the things they say make me feel, and if only they knew the person they talk about in a harsh way is sitting next to them.

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