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What is this I feel whenever I am close to Becky? I nearly gave in some minutes ago. I had to hold back my feelings because I shouldn't be that close to her. I am here for an assignment, I should ignore whatever I am feeling for her. It is not love but all a distraction.

I was about going downstairs when I sighted the last room at the other side. I was there the first day I started working here and that is Mr. Armstrong's room. I sneaked into the room and locked it from inside. It's completely dark so I used my phone light to look around for the document.

I opened the drawer and the envelope I saw that day was still there. I took it out and went through it. To be completely sure it's what we are looking for, I took a picture of the first page and forwarded to Saints.

"I am sorry Becky, but I will be leaving with this" I muttered as soon as Saints confirmed the document.

I got out of the room and sneaked out of the building to my car. For strange reasons I feel sad that this would likely affect Becky. I snapped out of my thoughts and drove home with the papers.

"She must really be an alien because a normal human would feel something" I can hear someone saying from the living room.

I walked to the direction and was surprised that Nop is here. He's on call with someone and thankfully this time he has some clothes on.

"Hey Freen" He said as soon as he saw me.

"Hey" My quick response.

"You're back"

"As you can see"

I flinched when someone kissed me on the cheek from behind. That's Heng. I don't know how many times I have told him to stop doing all that. We are all adults now and he should drop that behavior he got addicted to as a child.

"Seriously Heng?"

"Good to know you're not completely a robot" He said.

"Robots don't flinch" he added.

I rolled my eyes and started walking to my room. He has always said it's his reason for doing that. I am not a Robot because robots don't feel what I feel for Becky. In a way it makes me happy but sometimes it hurts.

"How was your date" he asked as he follows me to my room.

"Great." I responded.

"Great?? Wow that's great. I mean this is your first time of actually saying something nice after a date" he said and jumped on my bed.

"Looks like men are the real deal for you. They are actually the deal that's why I love them" he continued.

"Good for you" I responded and dropped the document on my bed.

"Hey! What's wrong. You're not happy this night" he said worriedly.

"It's nothing"

"I don't think so. Is it because of Nop? You never really liked him being here."

"I don't have any issue with him being here." I answered honestly.

It's not because of Nop. As long as he has his clothes on, I am completely okay. I can handle Heng having only boxers on but not some other guy.

"Did something happen?" He asked sitting properly on the bed.

I pointed at the document and he picked it up and started going through it. After which he jumped up in excitement and hugged me tightly.

"This is a great news Freen. You should be happy about it" he said.

I know that I should. But I am not and I can't explain why. He's surprised that I am in this mood and he made me sit down and sat beside me.

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