Forty two

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I can feel a hand caressing my cheeks and lips, making me get more conscious of the situation.  This hand woke me up from sleep. I gently opened my eyes. Becky was startled by the sudden opening of eyes. She moved back with force and fell off the bed. The hand was Becky's. She was caressing my cheeks some seconds ago.

"Ouch!!' She groaned in pain.

"Beeck?" I called and got out of the bed.

I ran to her and knelt infront of her while holding her and making sure that she is okay.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Where does it hurt?" I asked worriedly.

Becky showed me her hand indicating she got hurt there. I held the hand and started blowing air on it.

"You're too clumsy and it bothers me. You need to be careful. You could have injured yourself so badly" I said while caressing the hand.

"Uhm ... I am fine" she said and withdrew her hand.

"No you're not. I will massage it for you" I said and grabbed back her hand.

Becky didn't say anything anymore. I continued massaging the hand softly but all of a sudden my heart started racing. The thought of what happened between us last night occupied my mind and I looked at her. The Becky I am looking at right now doesn't seem to hate me. I think she remembered everything because if she didn't, she would question why she's naked right now. This is the opposite of how I imagined this morning to be.

"Does it still hurt?" I asked weakly and she shook her head.

Becky is looking at me making my heart to flutter. Her thumb started moving on my hand as she stares deeply into my eyes. I had a quick scan on her naked body and looked back at her. I am being pushed to touch her cheeks, to kiss her and maybe do other things to her. I tried so much to control the urge but I couldn't so I went ahead and cupped her cheeks. Becky started gasping and gulping while looking at my lips. I want a kiss so badly, maybe she does too.

I started bringing my face close to hers. She didn't move away instead she held my shirt more tighter and closed her eyes for the kiss. Now I am so certain that she isn't mad at me anymore and she didn't regret what happened between us yesterday.

Becky welcomed my lips as soon as it touched hers. She started kissing me hungrily as if she had waited so long for the kiss. I love the way she kisses me, I love that I am this close to Becky again. I started breathing up and fast while exploring her mouth. We were lost in the kisses when a knock interrupted. It was so loud that it startled the both of us.

"Freen wake up!!"

It's Heng. He's knocking and calling for me nonstop. Why? Is everything okay? I looked at Becky who doesn't look so good right now. She's trembling a little and her hands are slightly shaking.

"Hey." I said warmly and held her trembling hands.

I can see her pounding heartbeat. Heng must have really startled her. She doesn't have to get this scared when close to me because I won't let anything happen to her. I cupped her cheeks to help her stay calm.

"Freen?" Heng continued calling.

"I will be there in a minute" I said loud enough that he could hear me.

"Are you okay?" I asked Becky and she nodded.

I watched her a little longer to be sure she's okay before letting go of her cheeks.

"I am sorry. I will leave you now but I will be back as soon as possible." I said and she smiled while nodding like a child.

"You can get some clothes from the wardrobe. I want you to be free and comfortable here. Please feel safe" I continued and she smiled again.

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