Thirty Six

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"how was it?" Richie asked when we got into the car.

I raised my eyebrows in response indicating that I don't really get what he is asking me about.

"I mean with Kimmy" he said and started the car.

"We will be having dinner tomorrow" I said and looked out of the window.

That is not my concern right now. I am having a heavy heart. Everything is playing out quickly and to think that Freen may be the culprit. I feel so much pain inside.

"That's interesting. At least you now know she has nothing against you" He said.


"I think she likes you...."

"Richie" I called weakly cutting him off.

"Yeah. I mean she keeps asking about you every single time. Wanting to see you again but each time she comes to the house for something, you always not there" he said.

"Can we talk about something else?"

"Hmm. Sure. What do you wanna talk about?"

"Why did you employ Freen?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"It's always about her. I should have known"

"I love talking about her..."

"Good for you"

"Tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"Why you employed her"

"Don't you think she's employable?" He asked and I paused.

"Well, not really. I mean she doesn't seem like someone that can take that kind of job. You know."

"Are you finding it difficult to accept that your girlfriend is your driver? If so then I don't blame you at all because I would also not be so cool with that..."

"Sometimes talking to you is a waste of time."

"No it's not. I'm happy that you fell in love but come on. A driver? Really?"

"How about you get a better job for her?!!" I yelled angrily.


"Better" I muttered.

He let out a sigh as if being defeated and turned to me. He is looking at me while still trying to focus on his driving.

"I am sorry okay? For my silly comments about her. I didn't mean to upset you"


"Forgive me already. I don't like fighting with you" he continued.

I looked at him and got so emotional. My tears started falling. I don't know what hurts the most right now. Is it because Richie thinks she isn't good for me because she's my driver or because I am having this feeling that Freen is hiding something deadly and she may be who we are looking for?

"Hey!" Richie exclaimed weakly and stopped the car.

He held my cheeks in his hands and started drying my tears.

"I am so sorry. Please don't cry" he said.

I should be the one apologizing for lying to him just to protect Freen. Does she really deserve it? Does she worth it? Maybe I am making a terrible mistake right now. I am holding on to this slight hope that she is innocent and all these are just coincidence.

"Why did you employ her?" I asked

"Well, it's nothing really serious. She found something very important in exchange for the job" He said.

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