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"Are you doing all these because of Miss Sarocha?" Mrs Ree asked as she drops my dress on the bed.

"She's part of the reason"

"Have you told her how you feel about her?"



I let out a sigh and sat on the bed. She has been rejecting me every single time and it's really frustrating. I looked at Mrs. Ree who is waiting for my answer.

"She doesn't see me that way" I responded.

"That's strange"

It's actually not strange for a straight woman to reject someone like me. I mean she's not sexually attracted to me, so why would she give in.

"I thought she likes you too" she continued.

I thought so too but not anymore. I don't want to continue assuming. Maybe I should just move on. Get something to distract me and clubbing tonight is one of it.

"I have always wanted you to fall in love someday but I never wished for the love to be one sided" she said worriedly. I smiled at her to make her feel relaxed.

"I will be fine Mrs. Ree" I said smiling broadly at her.

She smiled back and left the room. I started getting dressed and after some minutes, I was ready to leave the house.

I got into my car and drove straight to the first club I love going. I walked to the bar and sat down while looking around.

"You've been avoiding here lately, haven't you?" The waitress said smiling naughtily.

I rolled my eyes. That's Rose, my favorite waitress. She's beautiful and hot. I can't remember how many times I waited for her to close just so we could go home together. I have not been avoiding, I was actually caged. I said to myself and smiled back at her.

"What would you like?" She asked.

"My usual" I responded and she smiled.

"I have something new you'd like" she said and winked at me.

She got busy with the drinks and after a while she pushed my glass to me. She stood waiting for me to taste and give my feedback....

"This is amazing" I said and she smiled.

"I know you'd like it."

She started attending to other people while staring at me romantically. I love the feelings I get when someone shows interest in me. But I wish Miss Sarocha would look at me this way. Shit! Why am I thinking about Miss Sarocha right now? I am here to have fun, I should stop thinking about her.

I demanded for more drinks until I got a little tipsy, now I can have proper fun. I started scanning the hall for women but none of the women here caught my attention so I decided to go to another club.

I drove to the next club. The place is co-owned by my dad but no one knows I am an Armstrong so I always go there too. 

"Perfect!" I exclaimed when I got inside.

I demanded for a drink and sat down while looking around. There are beautiful women here but I don't know why I am not approaching any of them. It would have been more fun if Irin was here but her girlfriend is in town so she declined.

I was sipping my drink when the waiter dropped another shot for me. I didn't ask for it so I was surprised.

"From that lady over there" He said pointing at a lady at the other side.

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