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I got out of the restroom while holding my chest. What just happened? We almost kissed? Why was I so ready for the kiss? Strange! Strange! This is the first time I have actually wanted to kiss a person. Her lips look so delicious and I wanted to taste it so badly but her friend came in.

My heart is beating so fast wanting to jump out of my body. It's suddenly hot inside maybe I should just go home. I walked back to Mr. Kamnan and faked a smile at him.

"I am sorry Mr. Kamnan but something came up and I really have to go now" I said while getting my things ready.

"Is that so? Let me drop you off then" he said as he signals the waitress for our bill.

"There won't be any need for that. I came with my car" I responded.

The waitress came to us and handed us the bill. I took out my card to pay but Mr. Kamnan stopped me. I don't like it when someone else pays my bill. I insisted but seems he already made up his mind to keep arguing over it so I yielded and he eventually paid.

We got to the parking lot walking down to where my car is. He held my hand stopping me from getting into my car. I turned to him in astonishment.

"Thank you so much for your time today Miss Sarocha" he said smiling making me smile back at him.

"Thank you too." I responded.

"Can we have something like this some other time?" He said.

Are we still at this? I thought I made it clear that it won't happen again. I am only here because Heng had a deal with your mum.

"I don't know where you're driving at Mr. Kamnan but you should know just like I have said before, I have no interest in relationships" I said.

He let out a sigh and held my hand more tighter. Gosh he's irritating me a lot. I quickly freed my hand from his hold.

"I don't like it when you hold me like that" I cautioned him

"I am so sorry for that. I know you have no interest in relationships but I won't give up because I already like you and you're the only person that have caught my interest" he said.

I rolled my eyes out of frustration and got into my car. I think men are worst than women. I mean, the women I had blind dates with weren't as persistent as this one. I started the car and drove out of the parking lot to the exit gate.

I drove down the street towards the bus stop but my eyes landed on someone familiar sitting at the bus stop.

What the hell? She got to be kidding me right now. What is Becky doing here at the bus stop? Where are her friends? I can now understand what his brother said that she loves putting her life at risk.

I reversed instantly and stopped infront of her. She probably doesn't know I am the one inside so I opened the car window.

"Get in" I said.


I am still at the bus top waiting for the ride that I earlier booked but it's taking too long and I wonder why. The weather is also cold and I am freezing. Suddenly a car reversed and stopped infront of me. I rolled my eyes. I'm beginning to think that people of Bangkok are so promiscuous because I can't keep counts of how many cars that have stopped for me.

Maybe my outfit is too exposing or something, I am beginning to get uncomfortable with all these. After some few horns the person inside opened the window revealing who is inside. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened when I saw who she is. I thought she already left and probably at home now with that man.

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