Thirty Four

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I am in Freen's arm still naked while she is caressing my hair. The blanket is covering us keeping us from cold. I can see on her face that she's happy, well, I am happy too because she assured me about an hour ago that she loves me.

"Baby I have something to tell you" I said to her and she looked at me.

"What is that?"

"Richie found out about us" I pouted.

"Oh" Her short response.

"I am sorry it happened. I know you don't want that but he was too smart to figure it out that day at the restaurant" I tried to explain but she kissed me on the forehead.

"It's fine. I mean we can't continue keeping it a secret forever" she said.

I smiled and sat up. Exactly what I want to hear from her. I don't want us to keep it a secret anymore. I am already tired of it. Maybe I can convince her to tell my dad as well.

"Even though he promised not to tell my dad but maybe it's time to...."

"Beeck.." She called weakly stopping me from finishing.

"Baby come on. I also want to meet your dad. The last time you said your dad is in Bangkok but you never talked about him again after that day." I said and took her cheeks in my hand.

"I am also wondering. You're beautiful, smart, you're intelligent and you have a good academic record. You are so perfect in everything but why did you take up this job? Why chose to be a driver?" I continued.

She cleared her throat awkwardly and started coughing.

"Are you okay babe?" I asked worriedly.

She said she wanted water and reached for the water on the table. For some reasons that felt weird but I waved it off. I was about to say something when my phone started ringing. I got up from the bed to where it was. That's Richie calling. I answered.

"Becky I am sorry but you should come home" he said over the phone.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"It's not something I can tell you over the time. Till you come"

He sounds more serious than the usual Richie I know. It feels like we always have one problem upon the other each day that passes by. What happened this time?

"I am expecting you" he said and ended the call.

I turned back to Freen who is sitting on the bed looking worriedly at me.

"Is everything okay?" She asked while standing up from the bed. I smiled to ease the tension.

"Well, I hope so" I responded and grabbed my clothes.

"You are leaving?"

"Yeah.." My quick response.

I am slightly panicking. I don't know what happened this time and I am so worried about my dad. I am trying to button my shirt but I am not getting it right because my hands are shaking. Instantly, Freen's hands touched mine. I have this untold peace in me when that happened. She smiled and started buttoning my shirt for me.

"I want you to calm down" she said still smiling.

"Let me get changed. I will drive you home." She said after fixing my dress.

I held her hand stopping her. She doesn't really have to do that. I can take a cab home. She had fever last night. I want her to rest at home today.

"No sweetheart. Don't bother yourself." I said.

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