Anger Issues

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"-I Dont have anger issues!" Respawn Shouted which nobody was buying "And I dont need Anger Management. What I need is people to stop pissing me off!" 

"Im Not buying it" Rose shook her head.

"I dont!" He argued.

"Okay whatever helps you sleep, but you still gotta read the book" Rose urged sliding the book across the counter.

"Im not reading that." He refused.

"And why not? You obviously need it" Rose joked.

"Because I dont have anger issues!" Respawn shouted again.

"Your proving my point this second" Rose haugtily stated.

"Im not reading that shit!" He stubbornly refused.

"You Have to. Like... Zero choice so shut up and read it"

 "And remember...Im watching you" Rose stated shoving the book in his hands and walking off.

"iM wAtChInG yOu." Respawn Mocked as soon as she left. "No Shit this place is bugged"

"I HEARD THAT" Rose shouted from the halls, walking into her room.

Respawn huffed blowing his white locks out of his face before finally deciding to open the book. He flipped pages until he finally got to some Techniques.

"Count to 10..." He mumbled reading each word.

That wasnt gonna work.

"Breathe slowly..." 

He'd probably die to how slow it would take for him to inhale oxygen in breathed really slow. So that wasnt gonna work either.

"Exercise can help with anger. ..." Respawn read a bit clearer. 

If that was true he'd be as calm as a himalayian monk.

"Looking after yourself may keep you calm..." He tilted his head to the side in confusion

What does it mean "looking after yourself" Theres so many ways. Does he have to have constant Showers? Or...

"Get creative.." He said a bit louder

How? Hes already creative. He can make a fire with paper, an apple, and a blade.

"Talk about how you feel..." Respawn trailed off.

"That wasnt helpful at all" He scoffed slamming the book. 

The Talk about his feelings line made him even more mad. 

Just Open up lie that? JUST LIKE THAT? All those years of trauma spoken about?


He was getting no where. With that he did the most reasonable thing, He threw the book onto the floor and huffed about it.

He heard Roses door open and waited to ses if she was ACTUALLY watching him. 

Instead he heard...

"Having a hissy fit?" Jason teased walking into the room shirtlessly stretching might I add.

If Respawn knew one thing it was that Jason todd was always shirtless. 

At Night. In the Morning. In The Afternoon. 75% of the time atleast. 

It wasnt that he had a problem with it. 

Its just that Jason walking in the Kitchen shirtless....Walking out of his Older Sisters bedroom (Who he kinda feels is like his mom. Not that he'd ever say that outloud. He'd rather die) Insinuated what type of things they'd been doing

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now