Jealousy & Gluesticks

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"Whats going on with Connor!" Damian burst into Nikas villanious lounge. Man, Being a crime lord did have its perks. The door slamed. shut behind him "Connor wont even SPEAK to me!"

Nika looked up at him, hovering her gluestick above some punk magazines. Oddly, Respawn was beside her. Lips pursed, brows furrowed and tounge sticking out in focus. 

Because working a gluestick was HaRD work.

She raised a brow in confusion and stared at the door for a few seconds.

"Uhh Come on in?" She said uncertaintly. Damian glared at her before looking to Respawn who however, seemed to be in his own world. 

"He wont talk to me! What did I do?!?"

"Maybe he doesnt like assholes." Respawn murmured and smirked a little bit.

"I wasn't talking to you stupid. So shut it!" Damians eyes narrowed at Respawn, before looking into Nikas in desperation.

"Did he mention being mad at you? Cuz really, I dont know if he is" Nika shrugged before looking back down at both hers and Respawns craft projects.

"He IS mad! He gives me that salty look!" Damian sighed in exasperation and flopped down on the beanbag like couch.


"THATS WHY IM ASKING YOU!" Damian bursted out.

"Okay chill Dames!" Nika then brough a finger up to her chin, holding her gluestick in her otherhand "So, When did this start? What exactly were you doing?"

"Existing" Respawn mouthed to Nika. She had to stiffle a laugh before turning to Damian.

"I was with Jon..?"

"And what'd he say? C'mon We need the tea." Nika crossed her legs and eagerly sat by the bean bag, abandoning her craft project. 

"I dont drink tea-" Respawn murmured.

"Kindly Shut up" Nika cut him off. She had said it in a some what sweet way.

"We were patrolling as usual. He just sorta saw us and got all huffy? Like, he gave Jon death glares and gave me those Salty looks he does best" Damian recalled.

"And then I waved to him, but he scoffed! SCOFFED. S C O F F E D. AT ME. For a KIND gesture!" He seemed more agitated.

"I dont know what I did!"

"Oooooo. Sounds like a case of the jellies" Nika smirked at him. That look when she knows something he doesnt.

"The what?"

"Jellies slang for Jealous" Respawn inquired. 

Real question, How Tf did he know that?

"Connors...Jealous of me being with Jon?" Damian raised a brow and said slowly.

"Yeah Genius" Nika nodded.

Damian propped himself up on the bean bag and thought about it.

"So what do I do?"

"Hang out with him. Then talk about it. Then make up and BOOM. All done" Nika made exaggrative hand getures.

"Good luck" Respawn did a half assed wave while paying attention to his craft.

"Tt, Yeah THANKS. You sure helped-"


Idk. Rushed. Im sick.

𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now