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P.s my Friend made this chapter for me to improve her writing skills. How did she do?

After a long and tiring night of patrolling the city, Bruce finally returned to te Batcave. He was quick to get out of his suit and into the Manor. As he made his way through the halls, The Manor was Loud, He could see Helena in the Kitchen eating Alfreds cookies, Tim using his Laptop on the table and Steph and Cass making some dish.

Even with alot going on he couldn't shake off the tension that had been building up ever since his argument with Damian earlier that night. Some pretty hurtful words were said that everyone might or might not have heard which didnt ease a thing.

If anything Bruce knew that he had to mend his relationship with his son, But the thing Is...he didn't know how. He had been distant and preoccupied with his duties as Batman and Bruce Wanye for far too long, and it seemed like his son was starting to resent him for it.

As he was contemplating his next move, he had remembered a conversation he had with Selina right after the argument. She had suggested apologizing and that he should be trying spending quality time with his son and get to know him better. 

So Bruce took up her idea and made his way up the stairs to Damian's bedroom and knocked on the door. After a moment of silence, the door creaked open, and Damian's face appeared at the crack.

"What do you want.?" Damian's voice was cold and distant, Just like Bruce remembered it from their argument.

Bruce took a deep breath and gathered his courage. "I want to talk to you, Damian. Can I come in?"

Damian hesitated for a moment before stepping aside and letting Bruce in. The room was dimly lit, with only a small lamp on Damian's desk casting a warm glow. Bruce took a seat on Damian's bed, trying to make himself comfortable.

"I know we fought earlier, Damian," Bruce said, trying to keep his voice calm and level. "I didnt let you explain yourself," Bruce started with. 

Damian gave Bruce a look torn between Confusion and being Skeptical.

"And I Apologize for that, But I want you to know that I love you and I Care for you."

"I Haven't got to know you well I want to spend more time with you. Just you and me, father and son."

Damian looked at Bruce with a mix of surprise and skepticism. 

"Why now? You've never shown any interest in spending time with me before."

Bruce sighed, just NOW feeling the weight of his mistakes. "I know, Damian. I've been so consumed with my duties as Batman that I've neglected my responsibilities as a father. But I want to change that. I want to make things right between us."

"Thats if you'd let me" Bruce added.

Damian lightly smiled at those words. He nodded at Bruce who opened his arms for a hug. Damian leaned in and hugged him in a tight embrace.

For the first time in a while, Bruce felt a sense of hope for his relationship with his son. He knew that it wouldn't be easy to fix what was broken between them, but he was willing to try. Because from what hes learned, family was always worth fighting for.


How did she do guys? I rate it a 9/10. She rates her own work a 7/10. Too damn humble for her own good smh.

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