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@Starystoriesss here's your request! Sorry it took soooo long.

Chapter 69.

Not intentional, but funny.

God forgive me for what I have written. Funny or not.

Minor mentions of sex.


Damian was freaking out.

He had a few solo cases Batman was generous to give him. Being 6 years older then 10 years old  was has perks.

He figured company would be great. So that brings in his (almost) immortal brother.

He invited Respawn to help him with a few cases.

He drove his Robin buggy/mobile whatever it was called. Name in beta.

But he forgot to roll the windows down after last time.

So? Is what you'd think. It's a buggy. No windows. Wrong, after last update it's fully shut and secured. Air exits from the window alone.

No smell gets in or out. No one sees in or out.

The second one is very useful. But the first...God, that's a major issue.


The second Respawn took a seat his nose wrinkled from the smell. Damian gripped the wheel with his lips pressed into a thin line.

'It's okay,' he tells himself. 'Respawn's too innocent for his own good. He can't know'

He just might be right. Respawn does not comment on the sinful smell. He just puts his mask down to avoid smelling the smell.

Around 15 minutes later the silence becomes too loud, Damian regrets that thought because Respawn tugs on his mask and opens his mouth to speak.

Damian quickly says something before Respawn can.

"What do you want to eat?"

Respawn shuts his mouth at the mention of food. Solving a case and free food? Pretty Easy to shut him up. 

"Anything." Respawn shrugs.

Damian lets a small smile slip. He's relieved.

Until he isn't.

They settle with pizza and just as Damian takes a bite he feels Respawn staring.

It's an innocent glance. But it's immense like a stare.

Respawn waved his mask to him mouth and back, creating currents of fanning air as if it stunk like something sinful outside his mask.

Damian lowered the pizza from his mouth as Respawn slowly smirked.

That was tripping him out.

He has to know.

Theres no way he doesn't.

Every stare or smirk had a terrifying message.

"I know what you did."


"I see you."


"Problem?" Damian works up the courage to ask.

Respawn shrugs again. Playing dumb...or is he actually dense to this?

"You seemed busy all night." The white haired version of himself gave a wider smirk then before.


"Lot of cases." Respawn bit into his pizza gesturing to files.


"Oh." Damian chilled out a bit, kind of suspicious though.

"Did Nika help you?" Respawn asks and Damian feels that same panic.

'Fuck, he knows.' Damian curses in his head. 'He can't not know!'

"Cut the act. You know you know what I know." Damian feels the heat rise to his face as he says that.

No need to be quiet now.

"Kinky." Respawn bursts out laughing at the blush on Damians face.

Toying with people was the best type of game.

"It's not kinky." Damian scoffs.

"I don't know," Respawn pauses. "Car sex is kind of kinky."

"It wasn't sex-"

"Yeah whatever type, still kinky." Respawn shrugs.

Damian glares at him. "Say a word about this to anyone and I'll kill you."

Respawn stays silent. He knows Damian could kill him, but doubts he would.

He just nods for Damians sake.

It's quiet until Damian questions.

"2 years ago you didn't even know how to write or read. And just last week you learned how a blender works. Yet somehow you know what kinky is. I want to put light on that."

"Elaborate. Explain. What's the question?" Respawn bites into the pizza Damian had discarded.

"You must be some kind of freaky to learn about kinks that quickly." Damian accuses.

"Freaky? I'm not the one here fucking in cars-"

"No, I bet you'd watch it instead-"

"Now that's just low. Even for you, Damian-!"


And so the arguing goes.

For a good hour or so.

Longer, if so, it's a convo no one will know..


𝙳𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎 • 𝙾𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now