Chaotic Twins of GOTHAM

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Idk what Au this is. But im TRYING. So heres ur long story! Its beyond anything Ive ever wrote b4 but Im trying. Idk what to progress tho. Just to let everyone know. This chapter has NOTHING to do with my other ones. Its a different AU.


The First few times they acted more like siblings then strangers. And one time they did it infront of everyone.

Damian did not want to be here. No words could describe how much he hated being in this room. Honestly Fuck these new groups of Assassins. 

They Fucked Bruce and Slades life over by a long shot. So apparently they've agreed to a truce. At Dicks begging and cooperation skills. 

So here they all are. Staring at eachother, while awaiting Batmans orders. Batmans standing by the Bat-computer with Deathstroke by his side. It seems as if their trying to act casual. Damian subtely glances around. 

Wilson is standing by Todd. Opposite, him Browns seated by Cain and Drake at the breifing table. Gordons seated behind him. On the other side of him is his clone. The one face he doesnt have to hold up and act for. He gives Respawn a quick glance before looking ahead as Batman clears his throat.

"You may be questioning why I said bring no weapons." He started.

"And why hes here " Jason glared Slade straight in the eye (Just one eye lmao) 

"We are working together this time. Instead of against. So no weapons against eachother. Understood?"

 "But why?" Stephanie spoke up.

Now it was Slades time to speak up.

"Assassin that call themselves the Cobras are after not just me, but any of you associated with Bruce" He explained.

"Never heard of them" Damian chimed in.

"Their new? No shadows or L.O.A?" Cassandra titled her head

"Talia isnt behind this" Bruce assured. At that he recieved suspicious looks from both Barbara and Tim. That made Damians blood boil. They actually think His own mothers behind this?

Before Damian could speak up to start a fight or ANYTHING Respawn had gripped his arm. It wasnt in a 'Keep yourself In check' way, but more of a 'I Dont care or anything but seriously Calm down' way.

Damian glared at Tim and Barbara for a few moments before letting it go. As he shifted his gaze off of them, Respawns hand ungripped his arm.

"How can you be so sure?" Rose asked challeningly.

"They dont have the Leagues symbol tattooed on them" Damian spoke up, pointing at the screen which showed photos and images of the terrorist group.

"Huh.." Rose stared at the pictures in question. All assassins from the L.O.A had the tattoo on them.

"Tomorrow night, we're infiltrating the base. Covert only. We need to see what their supplying. No average assassin moves that quick. Meanwhile, we need a plan" Deathstroke made note.

Batman nodded in agreeance.

It was odd. Seeing two sworn enemies, talking around eachother in a civilized manner.

"We'll send you the locations tonight. For now, You're free to go" Just as everyone was about to continue their day, Bruce added "But theres 3 main rules" 

"Okay....but what are they?" Stephanie asked again.

"Rule one, No using weapons to attack eachother" Bruce mainly looked at Jason and Damian on this one. 

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