Evil Feline

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As Rose began cooking up breakfast she tried to ignore the person perched on her island counter staring at Her cat. 

Rose brushed it off and thought that Respawn was simply admiring the cat. After all, Fonzie was a beautiful animal with her fluffy grey fur and bright green eyes. But as she watched, she realized that Respawn was staring at Fonzie with intense suspicion.

"What's going on, Baby bro?" Rose finally asked cracking the eggs, "Why are you staring at my cat like that?" Rose asked,

Respawn jumped at the sound of her voice, nearly losing his balance. Its as if Had he been so busy with staring at the cat he didnt even realize she was in the room cooking breakfast.

"Oh hey, sis," he said, looking relieved to see her. "You may be asking 'Respawn what the hell are you doing up there', Well I have a good answer" Respawn held a finger up as if to state his point.

Rose shifted her weight with one hand on her hip giving him a look "Go on, tell me your good answer" Rose challenged.

"I'm trying to keep away from the evil cat."

As soon as she heard that Rose frowned in confusion. "What evil cat? We don't have an evil cat,"

"Oh, but we do." He stated boldly like it was a matter of fact.

"It's been plotting against me all morning." Respawn looked down at the floor and pointed. "See? It's right there, waiting for me to come down so it can attack me...."

Rose rolled her eyes and turned her back to finish the Waffle batter. Usually Jason would have been up cooking something but he had a rough Patrol last night. 

Rose had got some basic ingrediants out setting them on the opposite counter from where Respawn was perched and begin mixing the batter.

Everything was going good until she heard Him speak up again.

"Rose, I think the cat is watching me," Respawn said, his voice uneasy.

"Hm, what's wrong with Fonzie?" Rose asked, still busy with breakfast.

"No, Rose, you don't understand. She's looking at me like she knows something I don't."

Rose turned around to look at the cat, but Fonzie was now back to her sleeping position.

"You're being paranoid. Fonzies just a cat, Shes not plotting against you, She doesn't even know you exist half the time." Rose attempted to reason with him.

"But what if she's waiting for the right moment to strike?" Respawn asked, getting more and more wrapped into his image on feline creatures like the one hes currently staring at.

Just then, Fonzie got up and stretched, revealing a small brown mouse she had caught in her mouth. She looked up at Respawn, seeming proud of her prey. 

But Respawn was more confused on where the hell she even got the Mice from.

"See? She's just doing what cats do," Rose said, trying to calm her brother's nerves. "She's a good mice hunter, not an evil mastermind."

"Well Im not getting down until you get it- it gets away from me!" He argued.

"Shes near the fridge and your on the counter. Thats a pretty far distance" Rose shrugged still mixing the batter.

"Not to me" He huffed blowing his over grown bangs out of his face fustrated.

At that moment a shirtless Jason Todd waltzed into the kitchen, he didnt even register Respawn on the Counter.

He instead stood behind Rose and kissed her on the forehead. "Hey Sleepyhead, Did you get your rest?" Rose asked with a smile on her lips.

Jason laid his head on her head and hands resting on her hips, as Rose swayed them to the rhythm of Music playing through out the house, Jaon hummed a bit which She took as a yes.

Jason moved his side along with hers until he heard hissing from behind him. He turned around to be met with Respawn and Fonzie hissing at eachother

"Why are you on the counter?" He asked stretching his biceps one arm wrapped around Roses waist.

Respawn gave him a serious look before pointing to the cat meowing a few feet away from him. Jason seemed quite amused with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Let me get this straight" Jason said with a steady gaze still lingering around Rose "Correct me if Im wrong, At 9 am in the morning You were soo scared of the cat you had to climb up the counter to get away from it?"

"Well You make it sound stupider then it is!" He huffed blowing his bangs out the way.

"Hes saying it how it is." Rose piped in tasting the batter

"Fine," Respawn admitted "Thats exactly what Im doing"

"But Shes plotting against me, shes toying with me like a chew toy!" He still attempted to state his case.

"Kid, get down from the counter."

"Not until That thing Leaves!" He huffed angerily. Nobody believed the cat was PLOTTING against him.

Rose sighed with some amusment "Wanna take over Jaybird?" 

She offered The spoon to Jason who accepted it graditually, Rose handed him the Apron label "Kiss the cook" and Jason tied it around his own waist.

"Im gonna deal with the source of our entertainment this morning" She let a smile play onto her lips.

Rose walked towards Fonzie, who stretched lazily and looked up at her with a bored expression. 

"Come on, Fonzie," she said, scooping her up in her arms. "Let's leave Respawn alone."

"Wait wait wait," Respawn Stopped.

"You dont think Im crazy right? You believe me?" 

"Yeah, I believe the fact that you climbed on a counter this early in the morning" Rose teased rubbing Fonzies tummy as she meowed loudly.

Rose walked over to the couch taking her seat. Respawn eventually climbed down seeing That Fonzie was no longer posing a threat to him.

And this was Just another eventful morning. Surely not the last.


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